Information about the doctrine of Petra Poroshenko

Evgeniy Zaharov, a board member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU), director of the Kharkiv Human Rights Group, said the anti-democratic decision of the Decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, regulatory monitoring of the media and the public resources of the Internet to identify information that is banned in Ukraine.
This was a human rights activist told the Ukrainian News agency.
“It is anti-democratic decision. I have over 20 years of struggle with such tendencies and still I managed such a thing to stop. Now it will be very difficult, because behind this, in my opinion, totally mistaken idea that it is necessary to fight the enemy. For fight the enemy must be quite different, “- he said.
Such a decision will only search for the enemy within the country and fight against it.
According to him, media monitoring and public Internet resources affect the freedom of the media.
“Will, of course, in a different way does not happen It (impact) will be expanded.” – he said.
Zakharov added that such a practice exists in Russia, China, Belarus, and not in the free countries.
“It’s just nonsense,” – he added.
The human rights activist believes that such an order is a mistake of Poroshenko and those who support it, because they do not understand the nature of information relations.
Recall President Petro Poroshenko instructed the Ministry of information policy to seek information in the media prohibited.
Earlier Poroshenko instructed the Cabinet to develop a bill that will be possible to lock the sites by the court .
Sourse, 27/02/2017