
The Russian authorities detaining Olexandr Yagodinsky from Vyshgorod for more than six months

For more than half a year, the family of Olexandr Yagodinsky has not had any information about him, except for a one-line letter and information from potential fraudsters who claim to know about his whereabouts in the Russian Federation.

The story of the illegal detention of 30-year-old Olexandr began on March 26 of this year, when he, along with his brother Vladyslav, a minor at the time, was detained by the Russian military at a checkpoint in the village of Hocheva, Vyshgorod district, Kyiv region.

The men, who were returning to the village of Orane on bicycles along the highway “Kyiv-Strakholissya,” were stopped by four soldiers of the Russian Federation around 14:00. The occupiers took the passports of the Yagodinsky brothers, ordered them to roll up their clothes to check the tattoos on their arms and legs. The Russian military did not find the tattoos; instead, they began to discuss the brothers’ hypothetical involvement in saboteurs.

Later, an armored personnel carrier with two soldiers of the Russian Federation with the letter “V” on the hood arrived at the checkpoint, after which they, threatening the boys with weapons, pushed the brothers into the armored personnel carrier, which went to Chornobyl.

After crossing the Vuzh River, the Russian military put black garbage bags on the Yagodinsky brothers’ heads. Their hands were tied behind their backs, the Russian military beat both men. After some time, the boys were taken in an unknown direction. They were handed over to anonymous persons dressed in black tactical uniforms with the “Russian Militia” inscription on the back. Also, on the premises to which the Jagodynskyi brothers were brought, there were persons in green camouflage uniforms with chevrons of the Republic of Belarus border service. While communicating with them, Vladyslav found out that they are at the checkpoint of the border service of the Republic of Belarus in the city of Narovlya.

To determine the further fate of Vladyslav Yagodynskyi, the employees of the border service of the Republic of Belarus contacted representatives of the Red Cross. Later, around 10:00 p.m. on March 26, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus arrived at the bail, took Vladyslav, and took him to a hostel in Mozyr, where the boy was held for four days. At the same time, Vladyslav’s older brother, Olexandr Yagodynskyi, remained in the custody of the border service of the Republic of Belarus.

Later, Vladyslav was transferred to an orphanage. From there, in the end, with the help of representatives of the Red Cross and thanks to the support of volunteers, he was able to get home on April 22, after almost a month of wandering in Belarus.

If the story of the youngest of the Yagodinsky brothers, we can say, ended happily, then the further fate of his brother is unknown. Currently, it is only known that he is most likely in the territory of the Russian Federation, in one of the correctional facilities. And most likely, this penitentiary is located in Bryansk, Russia. Olexandr’s mother, Larisa Yagodynska, told us that she was contacted by unknown people who claimed that her son was in detention center No. 5 in Taganrog, in southern Russia. Also, three weeks ago, she received a letter in which her son’s handwriting, in Russian, says, “I’m alive and well” (style and punctuation preserved – ed.).

And we will remind you about the flash mob of the “Civil Liberties Center” Prisoners Voice initiative – #ReturnThemHome #Prisoners Voice.

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Contacts of relatives: Larisa Olexandrivna Yagodynska +38 098 715 59 47.

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