
The Kremlin did not really understand the mentality of the Crimean Tatars

In Kiev for a well-known Russian journalist became more. Eider Muzhdabaev – Russian mother, a Crimean Tatar by his father, was born in Tambov and the last 20 years he lived in Moscow. He worked “Moskovsky Komsomolets” in a popular newspaper column posted there for the views and comments. In 2014 Eider Muzhdabaevu was awarded the prize of the Moscow Helsinki Group, for journalistic activities to promote human rights values.

Eider recently dropped everything in the Russian capital and is now being developed in Kiev. In Moscow, many took his departure as a sign of trouble and another fallen bastion of freedom of speech in Russia. Eider has yet to reveal his creative plans, but this is precisely an ambitious task – it will engage in the development of the Crimean Tatar media in Ukraine. 

– Eider, as you were in Kiev?

– I quit my job in “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. I decided to resign from the newspaper where I worked for 20 years. When a man loses something important, I am to go to where it will be easier. This I do not even speak about the work. I’m just a little tired from the Russian atmosphere and decided to get some fresh air by the sea. I do not mean the physical sea and the wind more free atmosphere.

– And what you most depressed in your life and work in Moscow?

– I am most oppressed people. I do not like the nobles oppressed peasants, and oppressed in the sense that disappointing. I went here to relax a little bit from some of the people who surrounded me these years.

– But here Judeo-Bandera, the Ukrainian nationalists …

– But even those you are to me less afraid. Because terrible to see how people are changing dramatically. I think you were watching movies about werewolves: the moment when a person grows teeth, bloodshot eyes swell … Then you get used to it, I guess.

But this year was a turning point for Russia, it was in terms of human relations, because everything else is secondary. Here it is to watch it was very hard. It was very difficult to watch colleagues and what happens to them on the basis of the sudden acquisition of Crimea, gaining the Russian world. My colleagues wrote in social networks pretentious speech about the fact that it turns out the light a wedge has converged on me that I was a traitor, with whom they lived all this time …

– and work …

– Yes, and I worked with this bastard.

– When these changes began?

– At the time of the Maidan. By the way, the Crimea – it’s been a blast, and the wick caught fire a little earlier. Already it felt such a negative attitude of many people around me to the Maidan. That is irritated, apparently, is that something turns Ukrainians.

– But according to the Russian propaganda anything good Ukrainians did not happen, they say, something to envy? According to Russian media here generally nothing happens except ruin.

– Ukrainians do not get to be a crowd, disobedient people. I think any quiet boy always jealous bullies who can afford more than just go order in the dining room. I did not want to detract from the honor and dignity of Russian citizens, but it seems to me that in many ways are involved complex of his own impotence. I do not want to give examples of everyday sex life, but some kind of impotence in this all, of course, is observed.

– Eider, but you did not work in the “Novaya Gazeta” and in “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. This is a fairly conservative newspaper, which often accompanies power and is not exactly oriented to the West, the United States. Quite such a nationalist, albeit moderate. Why all of a sudden you become in this newspaper closely or unbearable?

– I find it difficult to give it characteristics such as near the not so visible. I trust your feelings. I thought otherwise, I thought, on the contrary, it was the liberal newspaper of everything else that we have seen all these years. There appeared all sorts of opinions. “MK” – is a vinaigrette, where mixture of everything. There really were people who wrote directly frontally opposite to each other opinions.

But in the last year, and it is not even fault of the founders, it is even, in my opinion, is not the fault of the authorities – wine authorities present in this whole atmosphere, but in the specific case it seems to me that people voluntarily started on the rails of patriotism and spirituality . And I think that many of them are running far ahead of the engine with a flag in his hands and try to be great patriots than even the people in power.

– Do you have an explanation why this is happening?

– God only knows. I am about it, though, I thought. That is, even I see around me people who do not seem to have any bonuses from this power. Not it would be hard to imagine people who get some grants and service, roughly speaking, the Kremlin: the bots work by someone else, spin-doctors. Yes, it’s cynical, despicable, but it is understandable.

But I was more surprised and shocked other people who obviously this does not get anything. And that, say, wages are falling, which fall under the reduction, but still shouting “Crimea – ours.” Here the logic is lost and begin burning eyes. I was always scared people with burning eyes. Frankly, wildly. And even more, I will say it again, it was all like a movie very quickly when you see a person in the usual, and then it becomes unusual.

– What is the trigger for the people who were normal and then suddenly become extraordinary?

– Maybe it is a purely human quality as to feel some personal comfort. Here we are sitting here, and suddenly all around are starting to jump, shout and sing songs in the streets, and we will sit still and silent. Perhaps we, too, will feel themselves at ease and start after some time jump and shout to be no different from the majority.

Still, to be different, you need to have the strength to resist. Most, it seems, no such forces. And in Russia in general – fatalistic thinking “what will be, will be” a prolonged “maybe”. And people are not willing to deal with it in principle.

And if you do not fight, then the easiest way to deal with it, to fit into the crowd and live more or less peacefully. Although they are not gay patriots, patriots is sad. Because all my friends, all of them understand what is happening, it is not propaganda deafened people.

– You have lost many friends?

– Yes, many colleagues and friends. There are people with whom I spoke 20 years. Then he started to shoot plots about Maidan. I happened to see one, look for 5 minutes, I shut down and more we never called each other.

– If Russian aggression did not start from the Crimea, and for example, the Donbas, whether this would affect you, it is your career is over, like now?

– My career is not linked directly with the authorities, it is associated with my personal feeling – I did not want to continue to be in the range of such incandescent patriotism. Just I do not want it, they are comfortable there, but I do not.

As for the Crimea or Donbass, Crimea is me, of course, close by descent. But the situation in the Donbass not less disgusting, and I even think that the more disgusting. If you ignore the fate of the Crimean Tatars, it is difficult for me, of course, that in the Donbass, in principle, the Russian kill Russian.

By and large, now I’m all the accused in the Ukraine, I repeat Putin’s words about a nation, but, sorry, in ratsiyah sounds the same speech – on either the front side. In fact, if not a people, it is very intertwined: poluukraintsy there, then half-Russian, moms, dads, sisters, brothers. This is not an ethnic fault occurred, and incited the people as on the dogs set against some purpose. The dog does not mind some dogs, but because people do dogs.

But in Russia, it did not begin today. I fear that the Ukrainians – not the final goal. But the cynical goal. Prior to this, the same intoxicating hated Chechens, as it hated Georgians, and all the while hating Uzbeks and Tajiks, who do nothing to blame, but they worked out hatred.

Have you ever seen how to train dogs for bear? Bear allowed, and the dog has to get used to, it’s a victim of the enemy and so on, and act accordingly. Because in civilian life a dog, even a hunting, so itself does not lead, it is necessary to train.

So coached people in Russia, this training hatred lasted long enough, about 10 years old. The company has already been done to ensure that it will have more ambitious goal. I am far from thinking that the Kremlin is sitting some prophets and strategists, it just so happened that Ukraine has become a target, but the society was ready for the next enemy exactly.

Now, I think the forces of hatred of Ukrainians are redirected inward. That is, when faced with a fairly strong wall to counter the West and Ukraine, now this wave of hatred will return to Russia.

And there begin to look for enemies with equal gusto, already independently, perhaps, of their nationality. I think the Jews will get in the first place, the Crimean Tatars, for understandable reasons. And then, and nationality will not play a role, just – “you do not own, not with us, then you’re the enemy.”

As it happened with the Company’s protection of consumers’ rights – so did the enemy. Just a sensible idea: “I’m sorry, be careful when you cross the carriageway.” Council that careful driving in the Crimea, and do not buy real estate there, here is a normal message, the council took cowardice as a call to desertion. Such is the level of idiocy.

– Your mother – Russian Tambov, your father – Crimean Tatar, born in Uzbekistan, in the link. Why Tatar half of your soul rebelled, and for example, you did not take the side of the Russian world and welcomed the annexation of the Crimea?

– I think that the “Russian world” – this is what for me is still quoted. Because I can not imagine inscribed in the “Russian world” of my Russian grandfather or great-grandfather. Well, I can not. Apparently, it’s still not the “Russian world”, this is some still Soviet world. In my opinion, it is, of course, their name, but for me there is a less romantic name – “scoop”. Here everything is quite simple.

“Russian world” – this is not about ethnic origin, among them there are people of all nationalities, they have grown up in such a hoot, envious, unproductive, quite vicious and unprincipled people community. Unique, in my opinion, in the world, because it is difficult to imagine a more unprincipled society than Russia, and more otvyaznyh and immoral world, than this is listed in the quotes of all reasonable people, “Russian world”.

We see that no guidelines are not working, the word does not weigh anything, “we act for our benefit as we understand it, we spit on the laws, we spit on everything, that’s what we need, so we will do.” Such a primitive state.

– When there was the annexation of the Crimea, you are very actively defended the Crimean Tatars, and many of your publications have been radicalized. How often do you hear from your friends in Moscow some skeptical comments, “Well, what’s the difference, Eider, you’re a Crimean Tatar, this is your Tatar half prevailed Well, there was a part of Ukraine Crimea, but there is especially Ukrainians welcomed the Crimean Tatars, the door. they did not open. Now Crimea is part of Russia. On the contrary the same, Putin promised that the Crimean Tatars will be some relief. ” Why do not you listen to his Russian friends that you are confused about these statements?

– You can not call their Russian friends, let’s still kavychit it … friends of different nationalities and it is senseless to discuss their national identity.

– I agree – the Russians.

– Yes, the Russians, the majority of them who are supporters of Putin, said that he will soon be a new record – the level of support it will soon reach 100%, and perhaps he will jump the line. What also can not be trusted, but the support is great and it exists. I just see that everything they say – all lies, so it’s all white thread sewn for me.

There is even no national overtones. They just lie all the time. They also Russian as cheating. On the Donbas they all cheated. Now see the Russian contingent Donetsk residents who believed that nationalist slogans on the restoration of the so-called Russian world?

That they have promised to the Crimean Tatars? Yes, the Crimean Tatars, it must be confessed, and did not believe it to begin with. And what is the phenomenon of the Crimean tatarstva – and not only me, but all people who have anything to do with this people, the Crimean Tatars seriously vaccinated against this state lies. We are the lies from the authorities heard of 50 years continuously.

Crimean Tatars – skeptics in relation to the authorities. The people are very self-sufficient. Because if there is some benefit from the bad, the benefits of the deportation was one – the Crimean Tatars, at first, feel themselves as one people, before they too were divided on the place of residence in the Crimea. The deportation of these things are largely smoothed. But even there, there is now a buzzword, a political nation. The nation as a community of people united by some common values.

Why Crimean Tatars so problematic with Russia and why Russia problem with them? I think I really do not understand the mentality of the Crimean Tatars in the Kremlin. They work with them as with all the others, long lived in the atmosphere of the “Russian world”.

Crimean Tatars despise “scoop.” On internal sensations. It does not even depend on the level of education. All the same, it is not nice, this “scoop”. They all remember them with the “scoop” lived it through to them rusty, rotten and in any way not to embellish it. And it is hardly some Crimean Tatar can be explained as zashib was in the Soviet Union. Do not believe people, because they lived in other, different from all the other conditions.

This may be the only kind of people … Again – all have returned from exile, and only two people have not returned – the Crimean Tatars and Volga Germans. But the Germans had taken Germany, and the Tartars had to face since the warm meeting in the Crimea, where he propagandized … Also not news – propaganda, propaganda, too, was prepared for the meeting of the Crimean Tatars in Crimea, the local population. Everyone was afraid that all will kill, kill – this was propaganda.

Crimean Tatars still have a virus – they gained their freedom and returned home, it played with them a historical joke that the Tatars still never get used to life in the Russian Federation.

Crimean Tatars Ukraine was similar in that it even in the face of local officials opposed, it still did not break the mentality of the Crimean Tatars. And the mentality of them consists primarily in such a banal word, as the desire for freedom. This may sound pompous, but I think that the Crimean Tatars, this freedom sewn somewhere in the blood.

– Now it seems that it’s all for years, and there is practically no chance of release Crimea. In this situation, maybe it would be better as it zatihoritsya to hide, and not to aggravate, not to go to a frontal attack? Specifically, you and not the people. 

– It’s impossible, I can not. I did not work ever. I climbed everywhere somewhere back in school. I can not help myself.

– When you feel broken? When you realize that you do not hold in “Moskovsky Komsomolets”? That can be broken?

– I did not have any breakdown, it was informed that satiety. I can not name a specific moment. This is since the annexation of the Crimea. I realized that I did not know these people at a time when Putin spoke with his famous speech on the accession of the Crimea. When I went into the dining room to our editorial staff, I went just for some salad and could not go to the bar once, I looked up, saw a crowd of people who stood in front of a TV and a standing ovation.

I such could not imagine in any way, I was shocked. And then everything went on down, I was disappointed in many people. I just stopped being interesting to talk to them.

– How did you work all the time?

– It’s hard work … No, I-it was easy, in principle, I was engaged in the business, I had my site and pretty good. Just can not constantly be surrounded by people who turn away from thee, go, teeth grind.

I spoke recently with just five people from the whole huge team. And this, I emphasize, though, that I am very accommodating person, I personally with anyone no quarrel and one person never insulted.

– You were quite strict about the publication of the Crimea.

– And about the Crimea, too.

– What do your parents do? You are advised not to look for trouble?

– Of course. Mom and Dad, of course, I was told that it was better somehow quieter, maybe it’s time to sit, be quiet. I completely understand them, but I can not help anything. I’m not some radical, it seems to me, I’m not saying anything radical and did not say never. It is perceived radicalism, only when completely folded brains you in a strange way. Because all I said – these are platitudes that do at every fence should be written. Do not take someone else’s, do not lie to the neighbor, do not hit a woman, she can not resist, and when he can – do not hit.

Just in Russia it’s all so crooked! Are you still do not understand. Even in the short time, Kiev, when I read the Russian news feed, I realize that I do not have the strength to read more title.

– For example?

– I’m starting to read the title, Vladimir Putin said that the children are given grants to foreign and something … I could not continue to read!

– Or Adventure “Right sector” once again something uchudili …

– They again someone ate and crucified. This I have not read. I think the Russian government makes a mistake. They are in conflict with common sense, folded. Still, the majority of parents whose children are in school, they understand that, ideally, it would be nice if their child went to study in another country. Because the price of Russian education everyone knows. Therefore, any scientific or educational grants to the destruction of Russia in the eyes of the parents do not have. And there seems to be recognized enemy some very useful from the point of view of the majority of people act as the child’s education.

I would show the vote on “Echo of Moscow”, it is clear that there is an audience still more liberal, but still 94% said that they do not see anything wrong with scientific grants. What is there to see the president and what he wants to scare – is unclear.

And I think that a lot of things that go beyond common sense. Actually, I think that we are all different from the Europeans that the measures do not know anything. And then measure has long been crossed and that they only accelerate its end.

– If you go to the Crimean Tatars … Here Ukrainians under threat in the Crimea, Sentsov for what sits every Ukrainian in Russia under suspicion as the Kyiv agent of the SBU, a terrorist, but still every Ukrainian can still go to Kiev, Lvov, Kharkov . And for the Crimean Tatars of Crimea – it is their ancestral land, they have nowhere to go. But still, many people subconsciously in the same Ukraine are waiting for some kind of resistance to Russian occupation of the Crimean Tatars. What do you think, is it worth the Crimean Tatars go on the rampage and expose themselves, or maybe you need to endure, lie low?

– This is a case where I can not give any advice. I think that everyone will make that choice for themselves. All I know is that even if the Crimean Tatars zatihoryatsya, it’s does not mean that they agree with all this. They never suck. There are no illusions feed not worth it.

– Why?

– Because people can not accept the position of second-class person. Never. A Crimean Tatars is still felt. Still feel that the “Russian world” others – are second-class citizens – Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars. In general, countries that are starting to deal with this garbage – ethnic sorting, the degree of goodness – all of them bad end. And in vain Russia it went.

In general, the Crimea – is a serious drug that the whole body broke.

– What is the state?

– I believe that it is the first thing destroyed morale of the people with whom I have had the fortune or misfortune to communicate. People have become immoral, they have erased the boundaries between good and evil. Ukrainians killed in Donetsk – it is absolutely normal, put all of the Crimean Tatars – this is normal, for the benefit of the state – zashib, good!

But the tipping point for me was when a lot of people, I stopped to watch as people – it is related to the disaster Boeing. Here this moment was a turning point. I just realized that these people know very well who shot down the Boeing, they’re all well aware, most of my friends – journalists, they saw these joyful cries about the downed plane, saw the blur information, trying to erase their enthusiasm from the Internet.

All is well, everyone knew who was behind it. But with what fury people began to justify it! I told them: “Listen, this is your happiness, that there are not your relatives were flying.” We agreed to the fact that the blame for the crew that he was flying over the territory, and Ukraine – that allowed. Everything can be explained on a cellular level. I say, “Well, if your daughter goes to a dark area in a mini-skirt and raped her there and killed, then it rightly?”

But again – no arguments in conversations do not work, so I stopped to chat. You talk to them in different coordinate systems. For them, it is simply the norm – such an attitude to the Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, it does not matter to anyone.

In fact, this is a national chauvinism. The majority of Russians consider themselves absolutely elite in comparison with all the other people living around. Look how the rhetoric: “These stupid, they are, these are, these syakie, and we are great and we are all in white.”

– You have a Crimean Tatar from Tambov, 18 years lived in Moscow. And you with Ukraine did not bind. Now you are in Kiev. What are your impressions? For your Russian language do not look askance at you?

– I have a good Russian.

– This arouses suspicion.

– I still vigilant such people are not met. Not crucified again. But I’m here for two days I was.

– You can say that you have a Crimean Tatar.

– I think, I do not have time – here are the animals are operating, they crucify babies and eat, capture slaves. ( Laughs – UP ) So I think that I do not have time to utter anything. But seriously, it really is not, of course, I connected with Ukraine.

Firstly, what I Crimean Tatar, every year I’ve been in the Crimea, it still was Ukraine in the understanding of all the people who lived there. The feeling that it is “our”, appeared in five minutes, somehow suddenly realized. Also interesting changes in humans. Because all have been reconciled, it is Ukraine, and suddenly a hapok: “What Hat” ours. “Yes, I’ve found That She took me to go and his grandfather was the same….”

I’ve been on the ground and the Maidan, I’ve got a lot of friends. For the second Maidan, I was very nervous, constantly came, not as a journalist myself, it was important to be here and see it with my own eyes. It was absolutely like … again high style … that the Russian language is full of high-style … “command of the soul”, the rush was such emotional. I’m not a very emotional person, but I thought that all that is going on here – this is correct.

For me, today’s Ukraine – Russia, which I would like to live.

– And what you see now Ukraine, in which country would you like to live?

– I mean, that is a living country. Here you can find a million problems in politics, society, but the whole thing can dissect and debate before losing momentum. This country is alive, everything is, spat out yourself this “scoop”, and everything else – it’s a matter of time.

– Why are you such an enemy “scoop”?

– Because I think that it turns people into vampires, werewolves. Is it in a normal society, a person can become a werewolf in one day, all of a sudden lose their moral compass and become a puppet or a member of the crowd?

Here are the Ukrainians can not imagine the crowd. They soon quarreled with each other in the crowd, this crowd than somewhere to go.

Kiev such a quiet, peaceful town. I even words loud no one could hear. Some people absolutely quiet. But when the square was beaten students, those quiet people came. And when there was the most terrible hell, these quiet people will not leave. They won, here are the quiet people, which I now see on the streets. This is a very important phenomenon, which is lacking in Russia.

What is this phenomenon? I’m trying to understand it. Meet more people in Kiev, I want to figure it out for yourself, because I can see the result.

– When you are away from Moscow, your friends and contacts know where you are going and why?

– Did not know. In general, I did not tell anyone. I do not like unnecessary conversations. “So he resigned and went to Kiev, that he still planned.” I myself know that I did not plan anything.

– Your friends you more sympathetic?

– No, I do not envy. Because I have friends that have remained normal, they’re like Kiev. I have friends – it’s the whole enemy gop company, which in Russia is ranked as the fifth column, are national traitors. Journalists, which including about Ukraine write it sensible people, those in Russia, too, have a considerable number, but just do not hear them.

I do not advertise, not because I’m hiding. What to tell about itself? It’s like some people write in Facebook: “I went to such and such a cafe, took a picture of a salad, then I went to the toilet.” I’m not such a significant figure, to report their movements. There will be something significant to happen – is another question.

– Since we are now sitting in the center of Kiev, in fact 50 meters from Independence, asking the question, whose victory in the end, do you believe, pointless, perhaps?

– The victory has already taken place. Now there is an attempt of Putin’s revenge, it is absolutely meaningless. Nothing they have not succeeded. And maybe this doom … But no, I think they still believe that they will succeed.

But looking from the outside, I think that all of this allotted deadline. Unfortunately, we do not know this term. Therefore, all hard – and Ukrainians, and Crimean Tatars.

– Thank you for himself somehow define this term?

– No, I do not know … to plan something pointless after all these Arab springs. Similarly, I know only one thing, that everything will start with a totally unpredictable cause, which can be now no one thinks. It can start with a totally unexpected reason.

– If you had remained in Moscow as a journalist “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, you would have to travel to the Crimea. And now you’re in the Crimea will not be able to ride.

– Why? I have a Russian passport. I am a citizen of the Russian Federation.

– You are an enemy of the people.

– What people? Crimean Tatar people I’m a friend.

Sourse, 01/07/2015

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