
Kharkiv: “Russian world” strikes back – in the back

Today, after the “Revolution of dignity”, as 24 years ago, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, our country takes the form of crude clay – that we are blind from this clay, then we will have the next two to three decades. Therefore it is extremely important now to think anew, to build a state in a new way: on the values ​​of freedom and human rights, on the rule of law and respect for human dignity. The fact that in recent times there is in our country, I was seriously alarming, because our government bodies, in order to deal with the “Russian world” is often resorted to his own methods. What is it? “We want to be better, but it turns out, as always?” “Otherwise – do not know how” Or maybe it’s deliberate sabotage on the part of Russia?

In Kharkov, in the last days, in order to fulfill the plan of mobilization in the APU, held natural rounding up young people in the streets. They were stopped by the police, often in civilian clothes to check the documents of identification or under an invented pretext (for example, similar to the wanted criminal). Then, in fact, kidnapped, and without medical commission, without any warning sent to the assembly point of the regional or district recruiting office, where they were forced to hand over the agenda. There they were not fed for long periods and do not provide medical care if they need it. This is a direct gross violation of the right to liberty and security enshrined Art. 29 of the Constitution and Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights. However, our new government has resorted to such measures, exactly copying the actions of state bodies of the Russian Federation since the second Chechen war. In this connection, the citizens of Ukraine can be a legitimate question – why defend against Putin, if our authorities are using the same methods? Today’s actions of the police, military commissars, an executive in Kharkov:

a) discredit the Ukrainian state in the international arena;

b) discredit the Ukrainian state in the eyes of its own citizens – and a negative response does not have to wait long;

c) absolutely do not contribute to the country’s defense;

d) discredit the Ukrainian army and the idea of ​​resistance to the aggression of the Russian Federation;

e) violate the norms of Ukrainian legislation and international law;

e) play into the hands of Russian propaganda.

The horror of the situation is that all this is not in Russia, not in the LC-DNR, not in the occupied Crimea, and in the new Ukraine last saga euromaidan and persevered year of the war for independence. And even now, in the words of Yuri Lutsenko, “the body of the USSR keeps pulling our legs in the past.”

Unfortunately, in recent times we have to note a sharp increase in the level of aggression in society, and by government agencies. We have entered a period of temptation to violence, the temptation to solve all issues Soviet repressive methods. Then what kind of European integration can we say ?! We need to realize that the fight against unlawful means guaranteed to lead us to defeat – defeat the “Russian world” means “Russian world” is impossible.

Author: Boris Zakharov, director of the advocacy center of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union

Sourse, 28/06/2015

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