It is necessary to win this war, but not to turn to Russia

Under the guise of the formula “we are fighting against Russian aggression”, the Ukrainian government is not always justified limits the rights and freedoms of its citizens. “The problem is that this formula leads to the fact that people turned off critical thinking, emotions are beginning to prevail. Paradoxically, they are ready to give the authorities the rights and liberties that shed their blood on the Maidan, “- said Ukrainian human rights activist, coordinator euromaidan-SOS social initiative, Chairman of the Board of the Center for Civil Liberties Alexander Matviychuk.
She adds that it is important to remember that you must not only fight for the temporarily occupied territories, but also to build a democratic model of society.
For more information about tasks that are currently facing the Ukrainians, Alexander Matviychuk told FaceNews. Human rights activist also told about why we still do not know who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Heaven.
Alexander, for three years Ukrainians are waiting for answers to questions about who was shooting at people at the time of the dignity of the Revolution, who gave the orders. Why, in your opinion, the answer is still no?
There are objective and subjective reasons. During euromaidan bodies that were supposed to investigate the crimes and to conduct initial investigations, we did not. They were so busy that committed these crimes. Was destroyed by a huge number of documents, the former leadership of the country is on the run in the Russian Federation and other countries. That is, there are a number of objective things that complicate the investigation.
What are the subjective factors? The fact that, unfortunately, the investigation and the accomplishment of justice has fallen on the shoulders of the unreformed system of law enforcement bodies and the judges, many of whom are at the time of the Maidan themselves carried knowingly unjust decisions. It is difficult to expect them to some higher standards of justice, as in the good they realize that sooner or later, if the investigation will be effective, they also held accountable.
Also, I do not see a lot of attention of the government. Thus, during the first year we did not create even a single investigation into the center, things were questioned by different investigators, and even structures.
Once this center is finally appeared, he was for a long time did not receive the necessary support. At the end of 2015 the year it worked eighteen investigators, they investigated more than 2000 episodes literally “on the knee”, without premises and logistics. This is clearly not the way to relate to a case that the president names most resonant in the history of independent Ukraine.
The last thing we are very annoyed when in October last year, Yuriy Lutsenko made a decision to change, and in his opinion, to improve the investigation process of the organization. He had the idea, which he, fortunately, refused to merge into a single production and make a big deal Yanukovych.
The most important thing in this decision – a change in the focus of the investigation. After all, if we start immediately to collect evidence only against the top, we will lose the middle link – people who, relatively speaking, stood between Yanukovych and those who committed crimes with their own hands. Question – why it is done. I venture to suggest that it is the middle link is successfully incorporated into the current system of power and easy feeling.
However, in the investigation there are also positive things. It is clear that not all so clear.
Fair investigation of crimes during euromaidan – is not the only challenge for the authorities. What other challenges do you think, is now acute for Ukraine?
During euromaidan we were fighting for their democratic choice. It turns out, the most important task now – to implement the democratic choice in practice.
We need to carry out radical reforms that will change the course of history. While we like the people who go into the pit in a circle, and once in ten years, when it gets really bad, and the bottom is getting closer, a revolutionary way to correct the motion path and try to get out of it. But as building democratic institutions much harder, for some reason we returned back to this circling. That is our main goal – to make a qualitative leap and get out of this turbulence zone, transitional period in which we are in the last few decades.
After the fall of the authoritarian regime the possibility of these democratic changes became so real, that the Russian Federation, defending his authoritarian regime was forced to intervene. She occupied the Crimea, began the hybrid war in Donbas. And now we are fighting for our right to have a choice per se.
Therefore, in these difficult and dramatic time we are faced with a second very important task – to not forget what we are fighting. We need to win this war, but not to turn himself into the Russian Federation.
What I mean? In response to Russia’s aggression power starts to limit the rights and freedoms and making it is not always justified. It is important to understand that even in times of war, human rights should be limited in proportion to, and not just because the authorities felt like it and it has a beautiful phrase, “we are fighting against Russian aggression.”
The problem is that this formula leads to the fact that people turned off critical thinking, emotions are beginning to prevail. Paradoxically, they are ready to give the authorities the rights and liberties that shed their blood on the Maidan. This should not be allowed.
We need very clearly aware that we are fighting not only for the territory and for the choice of a model of society, where the rights of everyone are protected, where there is a fair judicial system, where the government is accountable to the citizens.
Sourse, 24/02/2017