I again call on Russia’s leadership to withdraw from the strip of violence and to respect OSCE commitments

Chairman of the US Helsinki Commission, Senator Rodzher Uiker expressed his condolences to the family Dzhozefa Stouna – deceased American physicians serving on the OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine, and urged the Russian authorities to end the violence that led to this tragedy.
Stone was killed over the weekend when the car in which he was traveling in hit an explosive device, probably a mine in the separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine.
“If Russia had complied with the Minsk agreement and ceased to support, direct, fund and supply the separatists in the region, the need to continue the work of the monitoring mission would not be”, – Wicker said, speaking in the Senate.
“The tragic death of the American Dzhozefa Stouna emphasizes the need to ensure unhindered access of OSCE observers across the front line and in the border regions controlled by separatists,” – he continued.
“Those responsible for this must be brought to justice – said Wicker. – Once again, I call on Russia’s leadership to withdraw from the strip of violence and to respect the commitments in the framework of the OSCE. “
Sourse, 25/04/2017