20 years of Human Rights House Network

Ana Tusvik Bond, Regional Director for Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, Human Rights House Network (Oslo, Norway), reflects on 20 years of the history of the network on the eve of the International Day of Tolerance November 16:
Solidarity and tolerance are fundamental principles of the House Network Human Rights. Without them, our work would have been isolated and fragmented.
Human Rights House Network – a community of independent non-governmental organizations carrying out joint activities in the field of protection of human rights; activities of the Human Rights House, in fact, is the breakdown of tolerance. Each organization involved in the network as an independent partner, retaining its autonomy. Houses operate on the principle of equal participation and representation. They provide a space for discussion, adoption of different opinions, as well as methods and discussion items; activities of the Human Rights House is the epitome of tolerance, not in words but in deeds.
A key component tolerance is respect for different points of view. This principle is fixed as a key to the adopted in March 2013 UN Resolution on Human Rights Defenders of the year. Members of the Network of Human Rights House helped spread the principles endorsed in the resolution, making sure that the basic formulation and norms become known outside of Geneva – in the countries where we operate.
Within the framework of the Civil Society Forum EU-Russia respect for different points of view – a key point for fruitful discussions and a possible cooperation. Silnyk Forum parties – its diversity, as well as features that the platform provides for the exchange of ideas.
Tolerance as the term is often used in official speeches, but its main value is checked actions. Sanya Sarnavka of the Human Rights House in Zagreb reminded us of this at the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Human Rights House Network: “The most serious challenge in the future will become intolerant. We restrict ourselves more, being content only to their small environment as individuals, as a nation. And it is a huge challenge. To somehow make a difference, we must act together. “
Tolerance is tested when a person who is accused of terrorism are not accorded equal rights to protection in court or when the refugees blocked the provision of protection in view of the fact that there are many others waiting at the border, or when LGBT activists face dishonoring their honor campaigns or prosecution under the law because of the protection of vulnerable groups. As human rights defenders we will fight for it to the principle of universality of human rights maintained, and this should be paid special attention to the November 16, the International Day of Tolerance.
Working with the Human Rights House Network, I can see the importance of the almost daily actions of solidarity that underlies her work. Sometimes it may seem that our long-term work does not have direct effect, however, when the event of a crisis, the power of the web becomes noticeable. We see solidarity as Network provides shelter for human rights defenders and their families in situations of risk or when communicating between lawyers from Russia and Ukraine, which held joint training program for Human Rights House Network for lawyers and human rights defenders “International law to protect the public interest.” Established platform facilitates the exchange of information between lawyers and promotes discussion of joint actions during the conflict. When a prominent lawyer Intigam Aliyev was arrested in Azerbaijan, human rights activists from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
In October 2015 the Human Rights House Network gathered in Oslo to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the human rights activities. We expressed our solidarity in Oslo, marching, demanding justice and freedom for those who have been punished for expressing their views within its civic space. We marched to support journalists, academics, filmmakers, lawyers and human rights defenders who have suffered because of their activities. They come from Russia (including the Northern Caucasus), Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Belarus. Their stories have much in common: a politically motivated prosecution, violation of the law, unfair trials, threats and intimidation. Those who marched, also have experience behind such harassment.
Human rights activist Ales Belyatsky was among those who took part in the march of solidarity. He felt the support of the Network, when he was arrested for his human rights activities. In Oslo, he wore a T-shirt with an inscription calling for release of lawyer Intigam Aliyev, a well-known both in Azerbaijan and abroad because of his struggle for justice for the hundreds of people affected by human rights violations in Azerbaijan. Three years ago, Intigam wore a T-shirt, calls for the release of Ales. Two human rights defenders share a common struggle – a constant struggle for equality and justice. Their position – put into practice and implemented in tolerance action.
Maina Kiai, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, speaking on the anniversary of the Network, said: “We have benefited from the tolerance many years ago, but now civil society once again need to go back to it and try to restore it to tolerance could help us in the future … the challenges that exist in the world. “
Sourse, 28/10/2015