Address of the relatives of the Kremlin’s prisoners on the occupied territories and the relatives of political prisoners to the PACE.

Sanctions may be lifted from Russia
Tomorrow, on April 10, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will vote on a resolution to lift the sanctions imposed on Russia.
The proposed amendments will render the prolongation of sanctions impossible.
This is especially hypocritical as none of the demands to put a stop to the violations of human rights in Crimea and the Donbas made by the Council of Europe to Putin were not met. Around 90 prisoners of the Kremlin including Oleg Sentsov are still being held in Russian prisons. More than 100 prisoners are held in the basements of the occupied territories of Eastern Ukraine.
We have to prevent this!
🔹 We ask you to share the address of the relatives of the Kremlin’s prisoners on the occupied territories and the relatives of political prisoners to the PACE.
🌍 Dear members of PACE,
Since the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine in 2014, the Russian Federation has illegally detained or/and sentenced at least 97 Ukrainians political prisoners in Russian Federation and occupied Crimea, as well as more 120 prisoners of war and civil hostages in the occupied Donbas.
For some, they are just names among many names. For us, they are our husbands, wifes, brothers, sisters and children.
The only crime of these people is the opposition to Russian aggression against Ukraine.
We have appreciated firm reaction of the Parliamentary Assembly to the illegal annexation of Crimea and Russia’s military action in eastern Ukraine. We are grateful that the Assembly called on Russia to release our beloved ones.
At the same time, we have observed with pain and regret attempts to allow Russia to return to PACE without fulfilling demands of the Assembly, contained in its resolutions. We are aware that during this session, you will consider proposal to reform sanction mechanism of PACE (Cox report). This will allow Russia to eventually restore its rights at the Assembly and at the same time escape responsibility for what it has done to our beloved ones.
This kind of reform will mean a political solution for some and a loss of hope for us. We call on you to look for a solution that will imply Russia’s contribution to it. We hope that the contribution will be the release of political prisoners in Russian Federation and occupied Crimea and all detainees from Donbas.
We believe in the Council of Europe and so do our relatives who are behind bars in Russia and occupied Ukrainian territories. Please don’t compromise this belief.
🔹 The relatives of the political prisoners (members of the Association of Relatives of Political Prisoners of the Kremlin):
Igor Kotelianets (brother of the political prisoner Yevhen Panov)
Yulia Sushchenko (daughter of the political prisoner Roman Sushchenko)
Igor Hryb (father of the political prisoner Pavlo Hryb)
Olga Nalimova (daughter of the political prisoner Victor Shura)
Nataliia Kaplan (sister of the political prisoner Oleg Sentsov)
Peter Dudka (brother of the political prisoner Volodymyr Dudka)
Oksana Zakhtiy (wife of the political prisoner Andriy Zakhtiy)
Tetyana Boyevets (daughter of the political prisoner Dmytro Shtyblikov)
Peter Vyhivskyi (father of the political prisoner ValentynVyhivskyi)
Elnara Asanova (wife of the political prisoner Ali Asanov)
Mavilie Degermendi (sister of political prisoner Mustafa Degermendi and daughter of political prisoner Bekir Degermendi)
Meriiem Zeytullayeva (wife of the political prisoner Ruslan Zeytullayev)
Alzara Saifullaeva (friend of the political prisoner Ferat Saifullaev)
Aliie Vaitova (wife of the political prisoner Rustem Vaitov)
Raime Prymova (mother of the political prisoner Nuri Prymov)
Anna Bohachova (wife of the political prisoner Vadim Syruka)
Meriiem Kuku (wife of the political prisoner Emir-Usain Kuku)
Najiye Aji-Mamutova (wife of the political prisoner Muslim Aliyev)
Guzel Salidynov (wife of the political prisoner Ayer Salidynov)
Fatma Ismayilova (wife of the political prisoner Rustem Ismayilov)
Aliie Mamutova (wife of the political prisoner Enver Mamutov)
Fatma Abseitova (wife of the political prisoner Zevri Abseitov)
Elzara Abyltarova (wife of the political prisoner Rustem Abyltarov)
Elmira Memetova (wife of the political prisoner Remzy Memetov)
Fera Abdullayeva (wife of the political prisoner Useir Abdullaev)
Alime Abdullayeva (wife of the political prisoner Teymur Abdullayev)
Liana Belyalova (wife of the political prisoner Emil Dzhemedenov)
Nataliia Bekirova (wife of the political prisoner Enver Bekirov)
Emine Alimova (mother of the political prisoner Refat Alimov)
Arzy Dzhepparov (mother of the political prisoner Arsen Dzhepparov)
Tamara Klykh (mother of the political prisoner Stanyslav Klykh)
Halina Kolomiiets (wife of the political prisoner Andriy Kolomiiets)
Oksana Stogniy (wife of the political prisoner Oleksiy Stogniy)
Serhii Prisich (father of the political prisoner Volodymyr Prisich)
Maryna Kyashko (wife of the political prisoner Ihor Kyashko)
Larysa Shumkova (mother of the political prisoner Olexander Shumkov)
Olena Karpyuk (wife of the political prisoner Mykola Karpyuk)
Iryna Lymeshko (wife of the political prisoner Hennadyi Lymeshko)
Eleanor Bekirova (daughter of the political prisoner Edem Bekirov)
Larysa Kolchenko (mother of the political prisoner Oleksandr Kolchenko)
Volodymyr Ovcharenko (classmate of the political prisoner Volodymyr Dudka)
Tamara Balayan (classmate of the political prisoner Volodymyr Dudka)
Vyacheslav Chernyak (classmate of the political prisoner Volodymyr Dudka)
Nadiia Vysochanska (friend of the political prisoner Oleksii Bessarabov)
Michael Gonchar (colleague of the political prisoner Oleksii Bessarabov)
Maryna Koldina (friend of the political prisoner Volodymyr Dudka)
🔹Relatives of the prisoners in the occupied territories (NGO “Exemption from the captivity”):
Lyudmyla Hlondar (sister of the captive Serhii Hlondar);
Kateryna Hlondar (wife of the captive Serhii Hlondar);
Yuliia Koryn’kova (wife of the captive Alexander Korinkov);
Victoria Pantiushenko (wife of the captive Bohdan Pantiushenko);
Victoria Ivanchuk (wife of the captive Serhii Ivanchuk);
Halina Onyshchuk (mother of the captive Roman Onyshchuk);
Lyudmyla Deyeva (wife of the captive Ivan Deyev);
Olena Chmyl (mother of the captive Vitaliy Chmyl);
Larysa Zhemelynska ( mother of Vasyl Zhemelynskyi);
Nadiia Fursova (wife of the captive Roman Fursov);
Nataliia Voskoboinyk (sister of the captive Volodymyr Voskoboinyk).