Yanukovych must be condemned, but corruption is a derivative of general disrespect for the law

stigmatization campaign corruption, declared an international human rights organization Transparency International, is to focus on the figure of the Ukrainian society fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych that will distract from the system solution to the problem, said a member of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union Iosif Zisels.
Viktor Yanukovych was not born corrupt, and become so because of the mentality of Ukrainian society, says Iosif Zisels.
Yanukovych headed the world ranking corrupt officials on the results of voting on the website of the international human rights organization Transparency International, which announced that begins stigmatization campaign against corruption, taking the first nine places.
“I would not want to exaggerate the importance of this campaign. While any steps to eliminate in the Ukrainian society of corruption are good, and the worst of them will not. But I’m inclined to think that we need a systematic approach. Yanukovych is not born corrupt, it is a question of education, which is determined by All the circumstances of life in the Eurasian society is corruption -. it is part of our mentality and culture we are born, live and die in corruption. “- Zissels said.
“Condemn Yanukovych necessary, he was president of the country, but to focus on his figure could divert attention from the systemic problem In fact, corruption is dissolved in all, and the problem can not be solved without the long-term by re-society programs, building on the Western partners.” – he added he.
Zissels stressed that “over the last year in this regard has been made longer than in the previous 25 years.”
“Transparency International does a lot, forcing public institutions to deal with corruption, I know this organization, I support her contacts, her activity is doubtless useful, but how it can be assumed that it decides for 45,000,000th country of its problems..?” – said human rights activist .
According to him, “corruption – is a derivative of general disrespect for the law in general, including to the tax.”
“Who pays taxes in Ukraine Corruption – this including the theft of the budget, but we do not fill it I am sure that the majority of Ukrainians do not pay all the taxes that they are put there are plenty of other laws, which we treat as.. . well as to tax is the question of respect for the law if it appears, will result in the condemnation of anti-corruption Yanukovych -.. a good measure, but it does not give a general respect for the law “- he said.
The human rights activist believes that “in the fight against corruption the first place should take no condemnation, no anti-corruption bureau or anti-corruption prosecutor, namely re-society in the spirit of European values”.
“With our values we will not become either economically developed, nor a truly democratic country, to tackle corruption. Only the union of all the forces of civil society and reform forces in the government, if they are there, in the long term can give some result for the whole Ukraine, if not for us, our children, or even grandchildren, “- he concluded.
Yanukovych was the President of Ukraine with the February 25, 2010. February 22, 2014, after three months of protests on the Maidan Verkhovna Rada recognized it withdrew from the post and do not fulfill their obligations, then new presidential elections were announced. In February last year, Yanukovych left Ukraine, is now with his family, he lives in Russia.
In Ukraine against Yanukovych opened several criminal proceedings. He is accused of the mass murder of citizens, misappropriation of state property, the seizure of power by unconstitutional means, actions aimed at overthrowing the constitutional order. Concerning it applies conviction in absentia procedure .
Yanukovych’s name was included in the investigation of the Interpol database, but at the end of July 2015 wanted to suspend consideration of the complaint of lawyers who insist on the political background of the case against the former president.
Sourse, 11/02/2016