With plastic passport you can not travel abroad

Vladimir Jaworski, a member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, said about the prospects of the emergence in Ukraine of new plastic cards, which will replace the internal passports. “They will have to complement the paper certificates – the place of residence and other”, – says human rights activist. He said that the state institutions are technically not yet ready to work with plastic cards and read information from the chip. Moderators: Irina Ermolaeva Slavinskaya and Victoria.
Volodymyr Yavorsky: On the one hand, this is a very positive thing, but on the other hand, it makes life difficult. Because with a plastic passport can not travel abroad. Country, as a rule, are not allowed to drive on plastic instruments. Where there is a plastic passport, they are purely domestic.
In addition, the technical authorities are not prepared to have to work with these plastic cards. They have no readers, no information to consider from where they can not. It will have to replace some inquiries about the place of residence, family status, place of birth. All this will be unregulated, unless there is a paper passport.
In Ukraine, there is no complete register of citizens, so perhaps there is a huge number of counterfeit cards.
Another problem is that the cost of such passports is estimated at 180-200 hryvnia, and it is unclear who will not pay for the receipt of such passports. At present, many of the categories of persons who receive a paper passport for the first time, get it for free.
Viktoriya Ermolaeva: What will happen to the old-style passports?
Volodymyr Yavorsky: Compulsory plastic passports do not need to be changed to plastic. But when a new longer will receive a plastic card.
Irina Slavinskaya: How the procedure for the introduction of new passports for the time being already running?
Volodymyr Yavorsky: In the spring, it was accepted by the Cabinet of Ministers, several times the duration of their administration was transferred, but a few days ago, the President announced that from January 1, will be issued only cards.
Sourse, 15/12/2015