When Russians and Ukrainians will again be able to call themselves brothers, if not, then at least your friends

In an informal day Ukrainian friends “Observer” talked with the Russian human rights activist, member of the Moscow Helsinki Group Valeriem Borschevym – how in Russia are Ukraine’s intention to introduce a visa regime with Russia, about the feasibility of such a step. The fact is today, in terms of the ongoing war, ordinary Russians treat Ukraine and Ukrainians. And also, under what conditions and in what term the Russians and the Ukrainians will again be able to call themselves brothers, if not, then at least friends.
– You’ve heard of offers that sound in Ukraine, the introduction of a visa regime with Russia. Yesterday the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said: “I believe that even the introduction of the visa regime in the context of control of who comes from Russia, we know very little we have to enter for this biometric passports, but then also to control those who come.”. How, in your opinion, are suitable measures to which the Minister said? Which side will suffer from them to a greater extent?
– I think the people will suffer, society suffers. Because there is a conflict, which was organized by the authorities. As for society, many people in Russia want to be in constant contact, in constant communion with the Ukrainian people. I know that many relatives whom they visit in Ukraine.
Such a visa, so even with stricter passport controls it will be directed against the interests of citizens. I think that this measure will not benefit relations between nations.
– However, there are objective reasons for such a decision. In particular, the way in Ukraine are going to substantially suppress the action of Russian security services in the country.
– I do not think so. I do not think this is an effective measure. First of all, it will hit the public interest.
That part of the society in Russia, with great love and sympathy with the Ukrainian people, which is against the war, which believes that it is necessary as soon as possible to stop – this part is affected by such measures.
– You said about the Russians, who still are well to the Ukrainians, who want to maintain a relationship with them. How many of these Russians in Russia today?
– I think the vast majority. They really believe that what is happening, it is a great tragedy, a great drama, and very worried about what is happening.
– Who do they believe guilty of what is happening?
– They believe that the blame for the authorities, who are fighting this war.
– Authorities on both sides?
– No, condemn the participation of the Russian authorities. The fact that they support this conflict, that they do not take measures to somehow stop it. In Russia, held meetings with such requirements. This section of society is significant enough.
– Today marks the unofficial Day friends. We know that the brothers can not be called due to objective circumstances of Ukrainians and Russians. In a term, the conditions under which our people will again be able to call themselves brothers, if not, then at least to your friends?
– Who’s to be believed. I think Ukrainians brothers – as believed earlier. My ancestors came to the Don of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, they were the Don Cossacks. How can I not count Ukrainians brothers? And so many believe.
The war was organized by the authorities, and it is them and progress. The vast majority of people in Russia believe the Ukrainian people by his brothers, and what’s going on – really tragic events.
But if we talk about the relationship between states, it is true they are, to put it mildly, not friendly, not to say – hostile. Between the states will be a long, long maintained such a voltage. Much depends on what kind of government will replace the existing one.
– Do you think, with the new government in Russia could fundamentally change the relationship between our two countries?
– Of course. Because the potential in the society is very large, the society wants the relations were restored. Of course, today’s events will overshadow relations for a long time, they will be reminded of its own, but the relationship will be restored.
Sourse, 09/06/2017