“The journalist – not a sacred cow but we become an angry animal, gentlemen.”

The head of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, luganchanin Nikolai Kozyrev said that the detainees aydarovtsami journalist Oksana Lashchenova need to let go.
He wrote about this to Facebook.
“I myself am not a journalist, because I have no reason in this case for the corporate (guild) of solidarity, which deprives a sober view of reality. The fact that he wrote and documented the position of Oksana S. Ivanov, as well as the fact of her arrest, extremely sharply It raises the question of the responsibility of journalists in times of crisis for the country during the war -. an extreme form of crisis, a poet in such circumstances to bayonet equated pen.
Right – the main thesis. Since we have an undeclared war with the status of hybrid, its information is in the hands of agressora- primary weapon for the brainwashing of the population of the warring parties. Here, journalists, interest aggressor – participants of the war and not “reporters”. And certainly no more “sacred cows” in the discourse of freedom of speech.
I, of course, for the liberation of Oksana, even taking into account what has been said, but not so much on the pitifully-humanitarian reasons (-children family), and not because the journalist in the war – special a status figure of how much of the vision depth of the abyss into which all we roll. What connection, I will try to explain.
To be honest, I (and not only me) do not share the optimism of official reports from the “Eastern Front” and do not see the end of the war, I do not see prospects for a peaceful life and work in Lugansk, as the revival of Donbass. I would like to make a mistake, but that coveted by all of us end is possible only in one case – if Putin will not.
But to discuss this hypothesis does not make sense. And while it is war can end only if they reach its strategic objective – the transformation of Ukraine into chaos control it. Putin, of course, in the human as a complete nonentity, a notorious, poorly educated, and extremely conceited officer, ascended to the throne of the autocratic Russian security services corporation. He is a man-function Kremlin gebeshnoy gang, the main principle of which is violence against the Russian people for the sake of enriching corporations and strengthen its power. To mask this same realpolitik Putin put his uniform ideocracy and instructed to represent “the historical mission of Russia” – as anti-Western civilization. Under the cheers, applause terry does not stop the Black Hundreds, stuck in the 19th century Slavophile intellectuals and just fooled Russian TV audience.
Ukraine is for Putin – the landfill on which it decided to conduct the training, target practice for building a strategic confrontation with the West. Therefore, Ukraine’s sovereignty on the basis of a pro-Western identity, as clearly stated in the Maidan-14, for the Putin strategist – an obstacle that must be eliminated at all costs. Swarming ant hill fellows in this range in the calculation ideocracy not taken them to discard. Donbass, which is largely devoid Westernising ambitions – a kind of comfortable garage area on this test site, where you have to place a lot of tanks.
So – what’s the Lugansk journalist who gets into the teeth of the gears war machine? What is the relationship? I tell seditious ear thing patriots.
Try to stop this car right now is still possible, it seems to me, having gone on a radical amnesty to all Ukrainian citizens, who with weapons in the hands of today fight with other Ukrainian citizens. Thesis: “Except those who commit a crime” – is no longer relevant. Too late, they are already in the blood. Advertise Poroshenko such amnesty – and 90% of them (according to my intuition) dropped their weapons. Everyone wants to live, and many sick of hybrid warfare. But today, they have a stalemate. They go to the families – and then the war will only Russian mercenaries who flee home themselves or be destroyed. And go for a direct invasion of the “non-hybrid” format, the classic war with all-out support of the Western countries Ukraine, Putin in such a situation would not dare. Yes, and the Russian people will not support.
Morally it is hard to do. But the abyss into which we fall, and I invite everyone to look at all cancels and morality and law, and culture. That is our future. In the abyss and criminally inhuman “march of war” in Donetsk, and our modestly-impulsive individual excited when we hear the next message that the ATO forces destroyed another portion of the terrorists. NATURAL REACTION: come to kill us – because you deserve, you have chosen the path of war and deserved this punishment. But zvereya, gentlemen. This mass moral concussion hard and long treated.
Here in this my (discussion) look at the situation of the journalist Oksana Lashchenova – small fry, why keep it? And given the history of other Lugansk journalist Yury Aseev, who in the battalion “Aidar”, too, was “detained”, – Oksana release is necessary as soon as possible.
Pi-si. About sacred cows. Every Russian journalist in a hybrid war must be regarded as a dangerous war party, not as an observer. Official tolerance for objective coverage of military action should be restricted to major media journalists from countries not participating in the war, “- he writes.
Sourse, 26/08/2014