The confrontation of political forces is a serious threat to human rights in Ukraine

2016, as the previous two years, will determine the continuing conflict in the east of Ukraine.This was reported by the human rights activist, member of the Board of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, director of the Kharkiv Human Rights Group Evgeniy Zaharov.
According to human rights, the situation with the provision of socio-economic rights of Ukrainians certainly improve if there will be positive developments in the economic sphere.
“A serious threat to Ukraine for Human Rights is a confrontation between the political forces, which leads to a loss of cohesion and possible political crises, worsening the situation as a whole. Unity us today is necessary, and I hope that the public will be able to overcome the calls for radical action, which we constantly hear today, “- said the expert.
As for the reform of the judicial system and law enforcement bodies, the human rights activist does not express much optimism: “There is, unfortunately, not been necessary conditions for this.”
At the same time, Evgeniy Zaharov expressed “very cautious optimism” about the fight against corruption in Ukraine.
“Those institutions that have started to work, in particular, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, no longer able together to investigate corruption crimes. I hope that they will be successful in these matters, and it will not interfere with the obstacles generated by the unification of government and business. If these things can be diluted, then change for the better is possible, “- adds a human rights activist.
In general, according to Evgeniya Zaharova, 2016, as well as 2014-2015., Will determine the continuing conflict in the east of Ukraine.
“In those or other he will continue, God forbid, that these forms were more or less peaceful. From this it follows that Ukraine will be forced to live in such conditions, “- said the expert.
Evgeniy Zaharov also does not exclude the fact that “Naftogaz Ukraine” in 2016 received the first profit.
“We can expect that public procurement following the entry into force of the law, will not be as corrupt as before. And we can expect that will go on police reform, which in 2015 developed well and has the potential to become more successful “, – predicts a human rights activist.
Thus, it said Zakharov, if Ukraine will be able to avoid a large-scale military conflict, those areas in which the foundation was laid for the development, will be able to show positive results.
“I hope that the scale of the conflict will not be that he will be in the same form as now. Although this is, unfortunately, unlikely to save us from new victims “, – he summed up the expert.
Sourse, 04/01/2016