The another side of Putin’s nationalism

Speech Lithuanian poet, translator, essayist, literary critic and human rights activist, one of the founders of the Lithuanian Helsinki Group, Yale University professor Thomas Venclova with which he addressed the participants of the Vilnius forum of intellectuals (Trakai, 8-9 March 2016).
Following Adam Michnik, I would call themselves “anti-Soviet Russophile”.
In Lithuania, as in the other Baltic countries, Poland and all of Central and not only in Central Europe has long been a popular opinion that Russia – terminally imperialist country that respects only force, ready to submit to the dictatorship and therefore a mortal danger to its neighbors and to the world.
The danger would be stopped only if Russia disappeared from the globe, it is difficult to count. With this opinion, I never agreed to and have always said that the danger is not, as such, Russia, and the Soviet empire ideocratic, as an alien, even hostile to the interests of the Russian people, as well as Lithuanian, Polish, Ukrainian, and all the other nations. At the end of the Soviet period ideocratic Empire became logokraticheskoy, that is devoid of any kind was the ideological foundation and retaining only their verbal shell. The liberation of our country, in my opinion, it was possible only with the participation or at least the benevolent neutrality of the Russian people.
And so it happened. Therefore, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the so-called communist camp was relatively painless. As probably everyone in this room, I do not think his “geopolitical catastrophe” – on the contrary, I think the geopolitical necessity and a huge success for humanity. At the site of barren, brutal, extremely conservative Empire arose the country that can share values in freedom. I was haunted by the fear – as if this decay is not turned genuine geopolitical catastrophe, that is, bloody wars. Fortunately, as long as twenty years, this did not happen – let’s say, almost did not happen. Was the Yugoslav war, two wars in Chechnya, Karabakh conflict and more, but it all seemed to be local. Now, it seems, we caught up with the story.
It would seem that opinions Russophobes confirmed. The Russian won fashistoidnye and even fascist forces. Internationally recognized borders forcibly violated. Instead boundaries appear fragile armistice lines over which continues shootout. Russia said the desire to turn back the course of history, to the times of the so-called multipolar – or rather, the Cold War, we, with a sigh of relief left behind. Vladimir Putin and his entourage are appealing to the extreme Russian nationalism, trying to turn it into a new ideological basis for its revanchist power. The majority of the Russian people support Putin – or, at least, so it now seems. The Russian intelligentsia again, as in the days Andreya Saharova, has to choose between conscience and badly understood patriotism, and not all of the test stand. Great victory was the destruction of the Iron Curtain between Western and Eastern Europe. Now he appears again, though shifted geographically.
Russia currently can not be called a totalitarian: but it is tough authoritarian regime, exacerbated by the incompetence and irresponsibility of the ruling elite.
This incompetence and irresponsibility, perhaps more evident than during the Soviet era. It is usually assumed that authoritarianism little pleasant but at least efficient. As noted by Ivan Krastev, modern Russia – non-functioning state, which, in fact, has no control over its economy and its regions. The best example of this – the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, who became “internal abroad.” At constant oaths of loyalty to Putin, Kadyrov really does not obey him, and from time to time puts him in a difficult position.
It is often said that in Russia played its role of “Weimar syndrome”. Parallel with the inter-war Germany there is multidimensional. Germany lost the First World War, Russia lost the Cold War. However, neither Germany in 1918 or Russia in 1991, hardly lost a big battle and is not subjected to the invasion of enemy troops on its territory. However, they both lost large territory, the imperial prestige, suffered economic hardship and thereby experienced psychological humiliation. This paves the way for revenge – in the end for Hitler in Germany and for Putin in Russia. It was possible to manipulate people’s consciousness, to promote “national myth”, as well as the myth of the “conspiracy of the imperialists” who allegedly seek to enslave and destroy the country, in what they are assisting the traitors, who caused the German (or Russian) stabbed in the back and continue their pernicious activities. Now referred to as a “fifth column.”
Revanchism lost in Germany, Italy and Japan after World War II, but it needed a complete defeat and the temporary occupation of those countries, accompanied by long-term education and re-education of society. It would be very sad if Russia failed in its revanchism only as a result of this defeat.
I hope that this will not happen, but the collapse of modern Russia is not excluded. Vladimir Putin is in zugzwang, where his every action leads to the deterioration of the situation. Western sanctions are more and more efficient (they were designed for long-term effect), the economic situation has changed for the worse. The so-called Novorossiysk project clearly failed – metaphorically speaking, of the Sudetenland, that is, the Crimea and the Donbass, has not followed the transformation of the Czech Republic, ie Ukraine into a protectorate. Here it should be noted that the Ukrainians, despite the defeat at Ilovaiskaya and Debaltsevo, were able to defend themselves better than expected.
Syrian gamble was to adopt Russian as a rival, even the United States and winner of Europe in the Middle East, but this has not led, now it appears to be exhaled and endangers primarily Russia itself. Further adventures are not excluded, but are less likely, than two years ago. NATO could not be split, by contrast, Putin’s actions have led to its strengthening. I do not think sanctions will be lifted, and for the foreseeable future.
This means a rapid increase in domestic issues and less possibilities of manipulating the population – with the “national myth” or anything else.
Before this impasse Russia is not an argument no one, including Stalin.
If you believe the sociological calculations, 58% of Russians now believe that the way Russia is fundamentally different from the ways of the West. This idea is supported by Western and Russian authors who argue that the legacy of the Byzantine Empire and Genghis Khan in Russia compelling (Chaadaev considered it disastrous, and “Eurasians” beneficial, but it is minor difference). In fact, it is obvious that Russia is much more related to the western rather than eastern civilization, and will always rush to the West, as if she neither prevented terror and censorship.
When the hard authoritarian Putin regime in Russia continue to operate the opposition forces. Viktor Shenderovich, once said: “Being a member of the opposition we have a lot of fun, as long as you are not killed.” Yet public opposition is now much more than during the Soviet era, and at their disposal not only samizdat. On the other hand, gestures, the lone dissenter in the Brezhnev and Andropov’s times, seemed to have a more significant impact than thousands of stocks right now. Perhaps this is only an optical illusion – we, Soviet dissidents, also called his case hopeless, but many of us, unlike the Decembrists and Herzen, saw the fulfillment of his dreams. But then there are objective differences. First, the regime has learned something and become more elastic; Secondly, many opposition leaders are now playing in the games offered by the regime, which did not exist; third, Western public opinion, unfortunately, supports the modern opposition with less enthusiasm than once supported the dissidents. But I again think that their cause is not hopeless.
The decisive historical shifts and changing mental paradigms occur quickly, sometimes instantly, what history teaches the February Revolution and the history of the collapse of the USSR.
Added last – perhaps the most important. The forces of nationalism much more tenacious than it seems. Often, they are no less dangerous and harmful than communism, which Putin’s Russia provides sufficient evidence. I am not a nationalist, but I believe in nationalism, striving to preserve their cultural identity has a positive and even necessary for the components of the world. Many in the Baltic countries and in Eastern Europe, Russian nationalism is considered an absolute evil, and his nationalism – absolute good or, at least, a natural and necessary response to the geopolitical ambitions of Putin’s Russia. I agree that the main fault lies with the one who more and more other – he has more responsibility. But there is a feedback, one of nationalism is another need in the other. Nationalism is no better small biggest nationalism. Nationalism Orban, Zeman, Mechyara, Leha Kachinskogo, and Marine Le Pen and her kind is the flip side to Putin’s nationalism and often finds a common language with him. In Lithuania such nationalism suffered now deceased policy Romualdas Algirdas Patatskas Ozolas and continue to suffer a lot of others.
I repeat the words that I say not the first time: nationalism finds love for the motherland and the people of the highest of all possible values - above reason and justice, humanity and above ordinary decency. Yes, the country in which you were born and grew up – its landscape, the language, the history, the memory of past generations, a premonition of future generations, there is a very important matter. But if fate, or free choice of education gave you this rather than another country – it should improve, try to get her voice was heard in the concert world: and not the voice of guns, missiles, bombers, propaganda, and the voice of culture.
The protection of “their” at any cost is not patriotism, and even better exaggerated criticism at “their” than silence – or, worse, praise – their vices. Love the motherland is at war with its insulation, for insulation has a loss of history. Love the motherland means avoiding hatred, maintain a sober look at the world, even in war, whether it is cold, hot, or hybrid. That kind of love, and not short-sighted nationalism and blatant foreign help against geopolitical encroachments. I hope that we are capable of it, although it is only a hope.
Sourse, 09/03/2016