
Negative reaction to the constitutional reform proposed by Ukrainian President

People who are opposed to amending the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the decentralization of power, act essentially against the legitimization of Ukraine’s foreign control. Writes on his page in the “Facebook” journalist Lyudmila Sokolenko, such an opinion was expressed by Chairman of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, Nikolai Kozyrev. This was reported by the portal “Comments”.

He noted that the constitutional reform proposed by President Poroshenko awakened “spirits intraspecific political struggle” – showed a clear split within the coalition. The main irritant was the issue of “special status” of Donbass, which follows from paragraph 11 of the Minsk Agreement, which provides for “the adoption of the permanent law on the special status of certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions …”.

According to Nikolai Kozyrev, and in an emotionally heated public debate, and in weighted analysis of the situation manifested most importantly – a protest against the change of the constitutional system of Ukraine under the dictation of another country.

“We are, in fact, talking about the principle of inadmissibility of external legitimization of Ukraine management”, – said Nikolai Kozyrev.

Recall, the Verkhovna Rada adopted amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the decentralization of power. “For” vote 265 deputies. “Against” were “Samopomich” party Lyashko and “Fatherland”. Under the building BP began rioting.

At the same time adopted the changes did not suit representatives of the “LC” and “DNR”. They claim that adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in the first reading amendments to the Constitution to decentralize contradict the Minsk agreements.

We give full opinion on this board chairman of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union Nikolai Kozyrev

Nikolai Kozyrev: Peter A., ​​first the abolition of serfdom in Ukraine

President Poroshenko proposed constitutional reform awakened the spirits of intraspecific political struggle – showed a clear split within the coalition.

The main irritant was the issue of “special status” of Donbass, which follows from paragraph 11 of the Minsk Agreement, which provides for “the adoption of the permanent law on the special status of certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions according to the activities described in the notes (approx. 1) until the end of 2015”.

And in an emotionally heated public debate, and in weighted analysis of the situation manifested most importantly – a protest against the constitutional order under the Kremlin’s dictation. This, in fact, talking about the principle of inadmissibility of external legitimization of Ukraine management.

Without going into the details and subtleties of pro and contra these disputes (the position is really difficult – the president not to be envied), I want to draw attention to a fundamental aspect of the proposed constitutional reform in the context of the overall philosophy of reforming the country. The agenda of the fateful question – about the very possibility of the modernization of Ukraine through various reforms, while maintaining the state in its oligarchic body of malignant tumors.

This protracted illness led society into a state of permanent crisis and civilizational impasse. At the level of the social psychology of the crisis resulted in a problematic challenge to national identity. In the air hung the ax neurotic: “Why the hell are not going to reform ?!”. Why one and a half years after the revolutionary events on the Maidan government can boast except that the appearance of the streets have not gorged stomachs patrol officers? Why corruption is not only not disappeared, as we promised lyustratory, but on the contrary, already blooming in the new greenhouse conditions?

Fresh and most striking example of the state of boiling public sentiment on this issue – the reaction of the head of the Odessa administration of Mikhail Saakashvili, who recently on one TV channel literally raged with indignation: “The country is flying to the devil! 15% drop in the economy! Wake up “and another:” The government has oligarchic interests … They sit on streams … Kill the country, robbing our economy! “

But the strange thing is, of the political agenda but disappeared question that Maidan was (if it does not evaluate the ethical and historical criteria) anti-oligarchic bourgeois revolution. In society there is no serious debate about what the revolution did not solve the main issue – the elimination of the oligarchic system of economic and political power of the state system and social life.

In the public mind there is a clear understanding that the power of the oligarchic political economy inevitably produces mercantilist system of “golden loaf” – a system of redistribution of assets in the country in the interests of mafia groups, built-in power vertical. This system is killing the entrepreneurial activity of the working population and is blocking the country’s modernization.

“The revolution of dignity” – this sounds great, but hinders understanding of the substance of the case. Prevents comprehend historical perspective postmaydannoy countries and content of the reforms, the defining vector transformations.

That is why in a society dominated by forcible, non-legal representation of the methods of reforming the country. Dominated by the idea that the whole thing in “bad” frames, and even approved because wild “lustration” through garbage cans.

So what prevents reforms and what to do? From a stove to dance?

Saakashvili on the same program offered: “We need to completely change the way you work!”. Perhaps, under the respected politician understands the style of work is more than a change, and management training. But not sure.

That the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk just caught himself: “We must frankly admit – in the last nine months is in the judicial system had been carried out real change, no cleaning of the judicial system has been carried out.” The Prime Minister believes that if finally clear the courts of bad judges, other reforms will go smoothly.

And what is offered? Revalidation judicial personnel! HCJ already offers the procedure for re-certification, providing a complex, three-step test as much purity of judicial robes, not taking into account the opinions of those citizens who had the opportunity to speak to the referees, “Your Honor!” And received in response to abuse of justice and honor. And because you can expect a new one, only bigger, corruption feeder at the feet of Themis!

The impression is that we really are in an enchanted realm of the damned, out of which only one – emigration. What many do.

To soberly assess the situation, I propose a thought experiment in historical retrospect. Imagine that the Russian Emperor Alexander II in 1861 brought together the members of the Main Committee, preparing a reform of the project, and requested its members: Prince VA Dolgoruky – to reform the police, AM Knyazhevich – reform of the Court, MN Muravevu – Zemstvo reform, etc. And at the same time – imagine! – Sovereign has “forgotten” to abolish serfdom!

Such reform would end the ignominious imitation and failure. As we now have.

“It is better to start the abolition of serfdom from above than to wait for the time when it begins to be destroyed itself from below”, – said Alexander II, who realizing its historic role at the fork Stories. He coped with this task, finding the courage to rise above vulgar political balance between the possibility of threat noble opposition, on the one hand, and the threat of a peasant revolt – on the other. True, it cost him his life. But the country, a part of which has been and Ukraine, freed from the power of the feudal oligarchy, jerked forward.

So, the fundamental problem of Ukraine is that our reformist President Petro Poroshenko has not yet found the courage to cancel the third edition of serfdom – in the form of the modern oligarchical regime. It was the second edition of Soviet serfdom.

Let’s face it. The country is actually governed not the President and the government and influential groups, clans that originated at Kravchuk, Kuchma legalized, gained legitimacy when Yushchenko and then, in a mob seized all the power under Yanukovych. This octopus is still here, he escaped godfather manage them from outside. Today, the influence of these mafia groups embedded in the vertical of power, covers not only the institutions of economic and political exchange, but the course of events related to the military aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

Corruption in such a system performs a function of extracting rents. It has become the most effective tool for redistribution of resources in the interests of oligarchic groups. And the main source of wealth of these groups – the natural rent, and over-exploitation of land and labor. All primary capital Ukrainian billionaires – rent-seeking, which, if our political leaders were also government officials, had to go to the state and local budgets.

On the possibility of a state property reforms in the public interest, not private individuals written warning regarding the dangers of the privatization policy of land rent, as early as 1991 outstanding economists of the world in an open letter to the then president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev.

Neither our intelligence nor the political elite could not put on the agenda of market reforms, the main question. Could not, for example, the Polish intelligentsia, link up with the more powerful in the beginning of the century workers’ movement, to build a building of political, economic and civil liberties, democracy on the material, the economic foundation for the people and not for the “elite”.

Who destroyed the labor movement. In the discourse of modernization of the country’s property reform topic taboo in society cultivated the banal idea of ​​democracy as a “procedure”, forgetting that the sample procedure has been revealed to the world at Auschwitz.

“The purpose of ownership reform is to give ownership of millions of real estate million citizens, and it must be done as quickly as possible”, – says a prominent social thinker of our time, Hernando de Soto (see his book “The Mystery of Capital” M. 2004. Pp… 207).

In the XIX century, the aim and the result of the great reform was exactly that – the liberation of peasants from their land endowment. And take it oh how difficult it was from the greedy hands of the feudal!

In the XXI century, at least to begin the great cause of the liberation of the people of Ukraine was necessary after 1991 it is from this historic case. Not only the distribution of quasi-legal “certificate”, as it was done, and the legal registration of ownership of the productive assets of the country, including through co-operation of the new owners, the creation of national enterprises and other forms of social integration.

Did not work out. The country has taken the path of a new enslavement of the people. In a country formed the ruling class of large financial-industrial and agrarian oligarchs owners whose property (with a few exceptions) are not legitimate, and alienated from the worker. In these circumstances, the political-economic regime inevitably has the character of a simulation of democracy, and the true face of our state – Power Machines to serve the interests of a narrow circle of privileged businessmen.

In this system, the productive property, as a rule, has a two-tier structure: the Supreme hotel owner, pharmacies, clothing factory, sand pit, water or oil and gas wells is sitting in Parliament, in the offices of the government or regional administration services, prosecutors, the SBU, the police and the court, and nominal, registered owner only manages the property, extracting rents to his patron by overpricing and tax evasion. This ownership structure – an essential feature of feudalism.

In such a system, any “good” frames tested for loyalty to the head of the vertical of power, and either immediately adjust or bouncers.

Memorable “Lozinski quartet” hunting this elite gang up on a man in the landlords’ lands – a symbolic expression of this system. Such “Quartet” of the local barons in every area today. It is in their best interest, if the President Poroshenko selling its constitutional reform, decentralization of power will take place, and the “special status” of the eastern regions will preserve already held the bond of corruption barons with separatist enclaves and legalize the business of blood. Objectively, irrespective of good wishes.

Strange, but the screaming of its pressing social problems carefully mixed and transferred to the sphere of ethics and psychology, and society is tormented heart and tears: why do we have no justice, there is no effective state protection of human rights, and “do not go” reform?

Because neo-feudal system of restricted access to resources and relations of personal dependence has not disappeared. It merely adapted democratic institutions and the strength of commodity-money relations to the decrepit historic shell and has found a new breath and new forms of exploitation. That is why Ukraine – Cemetery immobilization of capital and the level of corruption and economic activity of the population deservedly occupies a shameful place on the margins of the civilized world. But the level of corruption – only marker of deeper social contradictions, which are indicated above.

Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine – also a marker of these contradictions, only the blood of writing. And this blood, as then, after the defeat of Russia in the Crimean war, the cries of urgency and urgency of necessary changes in the basis of the social structure of the country.

Finally – homework reader:

To what extent these social contradictions can be resolved by President Poroshenko proposed constitutional reform?

Are the current supreme rulers – the president, the head of the government, deputies canceled a modern form of serfdom in Ukraine and start a real reform?

Sourse, 02/09/2015

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