In a democratic Russia and independent Ukraine is a common problem – Kremlin

In Kiev, opened the “House of Free Russia” – a place that, according to its creators, should be a safe space for immigrants and refugees from Russia to Ukraine.
“House of Free Russia” was opened with the assistance of the “European Endowment for Democracy” and Boris Nemtsov Fund. The Public Council of the “House” included journalists Evgeniy Kiselev, Ekaterina Sergatskova and Vladislav Davidzon, political analyst Mikhail Savva and Andrew Kruglashov, chairwoman of the “KrymSOS” Tamil Tashev and the head of the International Helsinki Association Daniil Meshcheryakov. On the tasks of the new project Open Russia talked with the director of “House” Grigoriem Frolovym.
– What is the mission of the “House of Free Russia”?
– The current regime is not only a violation of human rights in Russia, but also actively involved in the affairs of other states. The war in Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea – things are clear and known. But there are also economic influence, the propaganda impact on the life of other countries. Kremlin using its media and with the help of corrupt money trying to influence the electoral procedure in the Western democracies. We see that the Kremlin is very active, very passionarity behaves in the West.
On the other hand, we see that after the “swamp case” and after the events in the Crimea, many educated, intelligent Russians are well versed in politics, the economy, unfortunately, had emigrated from Russia. We understand that these people have great potential to fight the Kremlin’s influence in the West.
There the Russian opposition, Russian civil society that focus on domestic politics. And there are Russians who live so far outside of Russia, and the Kremlin’s ability to fight the influence abroad. I think this is an important mission of the Russian Diaspora: to become the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian civil society, “Russian of a healthy person.” And at the same time to deal with the negative impact of the Kremlin, with its corrupt practices in the West and, first of all, in Ukraine.
Of course, in Kiev, it is now a difficult situation with the perception of the words “Russian” and “Russian”, a lot of the negative context. Unfortunately, the Russians and the Ukrainians have ceased to hear each other at all. All that comes to Ukraine from Russia, any news from any source, perceived or aggression, or as a meme. Any news coming from Ukraine to Russia, is perceived quite the same. Russia does not see the reforms taking place in Ukraine (and they’re all the same pass), in Ukraine did not see that the Russians put behind repost, or minimal protest, or of the Russian political prisoners, except, perhaps, Ildar Dadin, not heard. We are up against the wall of misunderstanding. In this case, in fact and in democratic Russia and a democratic independent Ukraine is a common problem – the Kremlin.
We believe that the “House of Free Russia” in Kiev could become an important place. It can give a platform for dialogue and analytical platform for discussion of the problems expressed above and to the start of a dialogue between our societies.
– What’s “House of Free Russia” will represent physically? This kind of space where people will be gathered? Describe this place.
– Yes, it is a space of about 250 square meters, which will be a permanent discussion platform. Now we are going to spend there two or three Event a week. Then we will expand to provide our platform partners. Will be small and Analytical Center, a cultural center with a library, in which we want to bring high-quality Russian literature from a recognized university, high-quality Western literature on our core issues.
All events, game events taking place within the “House of Free Russia” will be Stream through our website will be a permanent Life channel. We, therefore, will deliver information not only to the Ukrainians, sitting in the hall, but also to the general Ukrainian and Russian audience. Also in the “House of Free Russia” will move the project EmigRussia .
If “House of Free Russia” we see as an alternative Embassy, the project will EmigRussia consular service. We understand that in Kiev, the official Russian embassy or consulate, many Russians go or refuse, or very often afraid. But the support of these people often really need – and legal, and humanitarian and social. We have provided it in the framework of the project EmigRussia almost a year and it will continue to provide further.
– What are the financial resources of your project?
– First, the “anchor” the money we received from the “European Endowment for Democracy” , but, of course, we will seek new funding, because we have a lot of ideas. I think that we will seek and new institutional donors, will hold kraudfandingovye company.
Of course, we have a natural constraint: we do not take any government money. First of all, Russian government money. And in general, the financing of Russia, we are not looking. The situation is too conflict to go for such reputation risks.
– You mentioned complex conflict situation. The ongoing war in eastern Ukraine, we all see what is now the relationship between the Russian and Ukrainian. How hard it was to create your project in these conditions, and these conditions will reflect on his work in the future?
– Ukraine Russian aggression applied gash – and psychological and physical. There are certain subtleties in dialogue. Of course, many people have to talk long enough, to earn trust. Because trust is not taken out of nowhere.
But at the same time a year working in Ukraine, we almost collided with any common man who, after a clear interaction with us treated us badly.
Of course, there’s “Divan Army”, a separate Twitter parties, who likes to “disperse zradu”. But in real Ukrainian life, if you occupy a normal position and do good, useful things, people start to treat you properly.
Sourse, 16/04/2017