
On the evolution of Ukrainian society that Putin is healthy but cynical about betrayal and forgiveness told Semyon Gluzman – a psychiatrist, a human rights activist, executive secretary of the Association of Psychiatrists of Ukraine, member of the board of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, a former dissident and political prisoner.
For Semen Gluzman, by his own admission, talking to journalists – it is an opportunity to keep the thread of conversation with intelligent, appropriate people across the country. This is a chance again to tell them the truth, but be sure to reassure. About himself, he remembers as a boy in the fairy tale who once said aloud that the emperor has no clothes. For that he paid 7 years camps and 3 years of exile. In Soviet torture chambers withstood two hunger – 114 and 112 days, both times it forcibly fed. After the exile of the Tyumen region returned to the Soviet Kiev without a residence permit and employment opportunities – the fight had just begun. Now Gluzman – known and respected throughout the world of human rights and psychiatrist, author of books, scientific papers and specialty papers. But to remain silent about naked kings, he never learned.
The beauty and the Beast
In your opinion, the civil society in Ukraine ahead of power in many endeavors and efficiencies?
– In Ukraine, the civil society – is the foundation of the state. Hundreds of thousands, millions of people, each in their own way, took part in the protests in 2013-2014, because it turned out that this nation deserves another guide. I wore the Maidan products after work, like all normal people, took part in Sunday’s extras and very well remember how booed politicians who now run by us.
Street needs a professional manager, so we put up and voted for them. But they cheated, they made promises that are not fulfilled! And still convinced I am part of the normal European people, which is, of course, the villains, as in any other. But we are ready to sacrifice for the common moral values, which we call the European politicized.
Who deserves the most severe criticism today?
– When I criticize the Ukrainian government, I understand that it is not dangerous. But when I call the name of the pharmaceutical mafia, which for medicines extorts from us a huge amount, and call the name of the security officer involved in these schemes, – I understand that it is much more serious. Can shoot, can collide with the car, because it’s not just politics – this is big money.
Did you find signs of mass hysteria in Ukrainian society?
– No. Growing anxiety, the fear, but it is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. Sorry if I have, for example, have three children and I have nothing to feed them, how I love the prime minister, president, and stay relaxed?
How long it may take to ensure that the markers are no longer paramount in our minds – wool, vyshivata, dill, separable, etc. Is there a quick and relatively painless way out of the tunnel thinking..?
– These are public markers, rather than markers of individual consciousness. They will leave when our policies will be different. At the heart of the war in fact is not Putin. He took advantage of the situation and will, but Tsarev, Efremov, Tyahnybok, Fahrion – complementary figures in Ukrainian politics.
If Ephraim tried for statements made in Parliament – did not save even the desert for forty years. We move these markers in the future of our children. Efremov was the uncrowned king of Lugansk region, and if you can not prove the theft, the penny you money. After luganchanam need to explain that they had been robbed, that’s all. Then we would have been able to inspire confidence and to change something.
You did not have the temptation to diagnose someone of Ukrainian politicians?
– The moral deviation – it is not my profession.
And you did not report cases in which power their way psychopaths?
– Where there is a real psychiatry, where a person can not become a politician. Because he was not elected, were not allowed to take some position. Policy – healthy people.
And Chernovetsky absolutely no abnormalities?
– Chernovetsky – a strange figure, but, you know, I had a feeling that he is so cynical that all just playing. In psychiatry, there is a term “silliness”, but it was not the behavior of our area, because it is very well thought of money at the same time and very well take them.
The fact that he sang songs – because he just thought we rednecks. And, sorry, we did not trash? Double vote for such a mayor!
“There was smoke, but we did not know what was burned people”
Your colleague Andrew Bilzho said that in Russia today there is a situation where healthy people induced delirium patient. Do you agree with this?
– Bilzho as a person living in Russia, perceives what is happening there is more painful than I do. But in fact it is simply artistic interpretations. Nazi Germany took place exactly the same. The vast majority of Germans truly believed in what he said Fuhrer. 30 thousand were executed for not having believed and tried to resist. But what is 30 thousand?
Just a few years of self-destructive actions or external force the collapse of the Russian overwhelming majority of Russians say that the Germans said, we do not know, we have been deceived. It was smoke, but we had no idea that it was burnt people.
Therefore, it’s much easier and more frightening. A significant part of the Russian intelligentsia in the self-perpetuating fear. Then to admit a mistake it will be easier, because there will be many.
A year ago, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has begun to doubt that Putin maintains contact with reality. In February, researchers at the Pentagon supposedly found that the Russian President has a serious mental disorder called “Asperger’s syndrome”, which “strongly influences its ability to make decisions.” What do you think?
– I think that the person who announced the study, just wanted to stand out. Of course, Putin is a healthy person. The concepts of the norm, mental health, mental health – are two different things. I think that the President of the Russian Federation – the person does not read very much in his life, not a lot of thought.
Security officers are different, mostly indifferent officials who understand perfectly. Sadistically minded among them very little. All this is sure to end and cynics around Putin, say they have been threatened with death, or something else will come up with a word, find a way to evade responsibility.
We can no longer afford to have us treated like that. We have other, and they do not, they can.
At a price of justice
How did you get in the camps?
– I just happened to be a boy, who was standing in the crowd, where everyone knew that the king is naked, and everyone applauded and said, oh, what a beautiful dress. And one unspoiled naive man said: Why, he’s naked! This said Stus, Sverstyuk and many others. In fact, through the camps we have been thousands, but we remember two dozen.
I had a painful point – psychiatry, I am very romantic perceived their future profession, to the dismay of my parents, the normal Soviet doctors. It’s like falling in love the first time to when the object is seen in the romantic flore.
Before the end of medical school remained a year and I am very sensitive about the fact that in the Soviet Union – it was already well known – psychiatry used to crack down on dissidents. Were known names Bukovsky, Grigorenko, Novodvorskaia.
I, perhaps, would not have reached it, but influenced by bad education of his father, who hated the Soviet regime, but he was afraid of her deadly as a member of the Communist Party since 1924. He told me the truth, that before the Second World War in the punitive organs of state security was a lot of Jews. Not intellectuals, and poorly educated rabble.
It would seem that it was not to have to do with me, but I, as a young man sensitive, thought that it concerns me, because I am a Jew. And then I find out from some radio “Voice of America” or “Liberty” that the chief executioner psychiatrist is Daniel Romanovich Luntz. Jew! If Luntz – the chief executioner, how Gluzman can remain silent?
So I decided to write something, somehow respond. When I started to collect data, make sure that Luntz was not an ideologue, was not a judge. This man cut off people’s heads on request, and much higher than was the academician Snezhnevsky and others, not Jews. But I got into this business.
Why did you choose Petra Grigorenko as investigation object?
– Because of him most of all was said to be more information in samizdat, I read samizdat Viktor Nekrasov in the kitchen – articles, open letters. But I would not have happened if not for Sofya Vasilevna Kallistratova, who was a lawyer in the trial of Grigorenko [Major General Grigorenko – founder of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, a political prisoner].
Since he was found mentally ill, she could not defend him, but, without understanding why, rewrote all the medical documents of the case. This manuscript she gave some unknown person – whether romantic, or provocateur. There were dozens of very serious documents – that the KGB wanted to hide. And because of this I was able for the year is already working in Zhitomir, a psychiatrist, to study the subject of forensic psychiatry.
I bought a special literature, and after work, instead of meeting with the girls, he studied her. I also really helped accidentally bought in Kiev store book Luntsa D. R. turned out that he defended his doctoral thesis and summarizing the material, published a book. It was history, statistics, because they also thought that they were a thousand years. And the proud Luntz gave him the information, which was clearly visible link between the party political line and ekspertirovaniem mentally ill, criminals, and others. This book gave me a serious argument, which I have used.
I had an older friend Fima Wyman, he even helped me with the head of the comparative diagnosis of Grigorenko do, but categorically demanded that his name is not mentioned anywhere. I wrote the work, it was necessary to someone to show. Who? The father of my best close friend Vova Biryukovich worked as a psychiatrist in the Kiev Psychiatric Hospital and was a very good man. So I asked a friend to read it and showed it to his father-text professional. Suddenly something I screwed up, and going to give it to Moscow Sakharov.
his dad called me and asked to urgently come the next morning. “Glory, – he said (and I was so close to call, my mother used to call me) – Glory, come immediately.” I got it. Arrived, he opened the door and, without even inviting me over the threshold, passed my folder. And when I took it, I saw the happiness on the face of this good, wise and serious man.
Then I asked Nekrasov take the manuscript, typed a girl of eighteen, Any middle peasant – then it was tried with me – to take the manuscript to Moscow. It was the autumn of 1971. In the 72 th, when the arrests began, I was summoned to the military prosecutor’s office in Lutsk.
All security officers from the fifth control smiling broadly, they had a pale, vacant look, which expresses nothing … They are also part of my country. Lukyanenko [Levko Lukyanenko – the dissident Soviet times] tells the tale that the majority of Ukrainians simply tolerated and did not take part – that’s not true, because it is not tolerated, and were the same. And that’s fine.
Why is Luck?
– There’s my drunken friend of the institute slandered me to resolve their issues. He became stukachom and went first to Israel and then to Germany. I’ll tell you why he moved when freed man from Kiev range from the number-samizdatchikov dissidents, he found that my friend and beat him. And when the beating, saying: This is for Gluzman. And he immediately went to Germany.
In general, then there was a search, and I found nothing. Then arrest. No material evidence they had, they just tossed out of their storage samizdat. I knew that would not be released, but do not expect it to be such a long time. I was naive. A KGB parents just said it to your son for Grigorenko. I refused to talk about it, think of a reason: the need to comply with medical confidentiality. KGB it was a challenge, and I sincerely believe that this is quite a strong argument.
And then … my friend Vova gave me readings. Apparently, he had been threatened. We have arranged a confrontation, it was very painful to look at the closest friend of mine … But ten years later, when I returned to Kiev, I wanted to meet him, hug and say, Vova, I understand everything, and do not hold evil. When I decided, I found out that Vova had committed suicide. A few days before my release. This is even worse than my arrest. It was abnormal country, he did not want anything bad. He worked in a psychiatric hospital and took to drink.
“The Times did not choose, they live and die” *
There are two points of view to stay in the Soviet camps: an absolute evil (Varlam Shalamov) and experience that will be useful in life (Alexander Solzhenitsyn). What for you was the time spent in the camp?
– Shalamova experience was bitter, but it is much more important and frightening because it is the truth. A person should not be in prison. One of the most important skills that I have developed in the area, is the preservation of humanity, I did not come out with hatred. Otherwise it would be very hard to live.
I see people with whom I have links the past, they have not been released from prison, though many years have passed. I went out. I can remember, we’re all people camp out crippled. Then with age, in another life, I have asked myself whether the right thinking person has to go up against the walls, leaving the hostages to their families? So how did Stus, Svetlichniy, Sverstyuk and many others. On this question there is no answer, it is a problem of moral philosophy.
So let’s build a country where there will be no need to feel people’s weakness. After all, the people broke in the KGB who have committed a sin, devotees, they’re not born that way, and each has its own physiology. My physiology, such professorial son, that nothing heavy in his hands did not hold, oddly enough, it turned out to be stronger. But it was not by any heroic feelings. I, on the one hand, they are always very much afraid, on the other – did not want to turn the other cheek. It was important for me, if primitive, revenge, and the more sublime – to satisfy an inner sense of protest and protect his soul and dignity.
Meetings with what people have influenced you the most?
– This is a meeting with Ivan Svetlichny. In it was an amazing combination of European intelligence with peasant wisdom. He is one of the Lugansk region, as well as Dzyuba and Stus, – it was the Eastern Ukraine, and not Western. Svetlichniy loved his people, he was a pain, and it was at the same time a European.
Do you know why I am for all his bitterness remain optimistic? Because about 40% of dissidents in areas, that the boys, who said that the king is naked, they were Ukrainians. Philologists, historians – people with independent thinking. There were no Belarusians were not Kyrgyz, Uzbeks were not. This suggests that resistance enzyme and is, therefore, Yanukovych did not have time even want to become a dictator, he received the Maidan. But its got and Yushchenko, who has the same attitude towards Europe, as I have on Iran. I think that Ukrainian society is really maneuvers.
* Poem Kushner “Times do not choose”
Interviewed by Tatiana Selezneva
Sourse, 19/03/2015