“After such a blood Ukraine will never become a satellite of Russia”

One of the direct participants in the August 1991 coup in Moscow, the head of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, luganchanin Nikolai Kozyrev in 1991 was a deputy of the USSR and worked in the Supreme Council Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Social Affairs.
A well-known human rights activist told “0642.ua” about how he assesses the situation in the space of the former Soviet Union, and, of course, first of all, the crisis in relations between Russia and Ukraine.
– Today we remember events that brought the independence of Ukraine. Do you think that what is happening on the territory of former Soviet republics – a step forward or backward? And why?
– “former Soviet republics” are very different, I can not find a common denominator (criteria) to assess the political and economic situation in, say, Estonia, Ukraine, Georgia and Uzbekistan. Different worlds. In Estonia, I think nothing at all “post-Soviet” no longer exists; Ukraine is only now with him decided to say goodbye, but it still does not work “-” elder brother “does not agree, in Georgia, in essence, the same oil painting, but the colors other; in Uzbekistan also did post-Soviet, but, unlike Estonia, with the opposite sign. There’s Europe, then Asia in its purest form. August 19, 1991 (if anyone remembers – the date of the coup in Moscow, the overthrow of Gorbachev and the beginning of the collapse of the USSR) – a breakthrough historic date for all of us. I would evaluate “what is happening” after that date, as follows: from the perspective of time, Big History is always a step forward. In another way, and it did not happen. And from the perspective of the Acurrent short-term time history of love and back to back away. If society lets its gravity. I hope that Ukraine is not threatened: blood, we shall be redeemed from “Big Brother” their forward movement. Away from him, to Europe.
– What experience acquired independent Ukraine, which over the years – Russia?
– Ukraine – a dramatic experience of the transition from the “natural state”, where the rule is not the institutions and persons, where the power is arranged on the principle of the feudal hierarchy, as well as rent revenues are redistributed through the supreme ruler in the interests close to him “barons” – the transition to a modern the state of the European type. With democratic institutions and the manner of production and distribution of wealth, is now living when people care not only about themselves but also about those who are not yet born. Do not pull out of the unborn mouths a piece of bread the future – in the form of the very natural resource rents, mercilessly exploiting labor and nature. Our today’s poverty is just for this reason. Ukraine is only at the beginning of the transition to a normal life. The current war has shown that this way, this experience is tragic, but it is not unique.
As for Russia, it is now trying to avoid the collapse of the state and chose to do the worst option – the preservation of personalistic autocratic regime, held together Putin Nazi ideology of “Russian world”. Analogue of Hitler’s Nazi ideology of “the Spirit of the German nation.” What is this crazy world we see today on TV news.
– Why is it that the Donbass remained in the Soviet past? One does have such Donbass, or is there still a place where it can “jerk”?
– In the Donbass, in contrast to other regions, are more of those mouths, in which a piece of bread falls on the mercy of feudal power – as in Soviet times. These twisted mouths enthusiastically shouted “Ra-and-see-and-and-and-I-I-I-I!” with the hope that Putin will give a larger piece. That’s the whole reason for what is happening today in the Donbass. In other regions, too many of these mouths. A “jerk Do” – depends on Putin’s criminal plans.
– Your opinion – what is the future of our countries?
– Ukraine in a situation – divorce and mother’s maiden name. After this blood she will never become a satellite of Russia. It suffered its European future. And Russia expect a very dark times. Putin will be like Milosevic, on the bench of the International Criminal Court. War crimes committed by his NUKER in Ukraine will all be written to his account.
Sourse, 19/08/2014