World War II Remembrance and Reconciliation Day

Today on May 8 and 9 European countries remember those who gave their lives in World War II and all those who died in all the wars and armed conflicts since then.
World War II was a war of unprecedented cruelty. 1939-1945 will go down in history as the largest military conflict in human history. For generations who fought, the price of war was catastrophic. It is estimated that 80 million people became victims of the war, including almost 9 million Ukrainians. More than 7 million Ukrainians fought against the Nazis in the Allies’ forces.
7 years ago, Ukraine started to commemorate these days as days of remembrance for the victims of the war.
Unfortunately, not everyone has learned this history lesson, and war has become an everyday reality for us. Our country has faced brutal Russian aggression more than 8 years ago, and February 24, 2022 divided our lives into “before” and “after”.
Today we remember and honor the victims of those terrible events, those who gave their lives for a world without war.
Never again!