
World Press Freedom Day: is everything alright?

May 3rd is the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, and the theme is blunt and powerful: ” ‘Everything is alright.” Because if everything is alright in the news, then something is wrong with journalism. And when journalism is compromised, we cannot protect human rights.” UNESCO is emphasizing the importance of “freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights” during a year when media freedom and freedom of expression are under increasing threat globally. World Press Freedom Day is a day about recognizing the importance of a free and independent press, and raising awareness of the threats that journalists face all around the world.

Why does a free and independent press matter so much?

Freedom of expression: A free press lets people express their opinions without fear of retaliation and repression. It ensures that there’s a diversity of voices and perspectives, which creates healthy public debate and the exchange of ideas.

Holding power accountable: The media plays a key role in holding governments and other powerful entities accountable. A free press can expose corruption, abuses of power, and other wrongdoing.

Providing accurate information: Access to accurate and reliable information lets citizens to make informed decisions about their lives, communities, and governments.

Protecting human rights: Journalists can shine a light on human rights abuses and give a voice to the marginalized, which is critical in promoting and protecting human rights.

Upholding the rule of law: A free press can provide impartial reporting on legal proceedings and investigations, to promote upholding the rule of law.

Supporting democracy: A free and independent press is an essential component of any healthy democracy. It empowers citizens to be informed, engaged, and active participants in their communities.

Press freedom is under threat in many parts of the world. There are countless journalists who are jailed, harassed and killed simply for doing their jobs. That’s why it’s important to speak out and demand the safe release of all jailed journalists. Without them, we lose a vital source of information and accountability. Some of the countries where press freedom is most at risk include China, Russia, Turkey, and Iran. In these places, journalists are often targeted by governments for reporting on sensitive issues or for criticizing those in power. It’s important to shine a light on these situations and demand change.

Finally, we need to talk about the weaponization of misinformation. In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s easier than ever for falsehoods and conspiracy theories to spread like wildfire, and repressive states to promote their narrative and stifle dissent. This creates confusion, undermines trust in institutions, and can put lives at risk. That’s why a free and independent press is more important than ever. We need trusted sources of information that we can turn to.

On this World Press Freedom Day, let’s recognize the important work that journalists do, and defend their right to do it.

Author: Liza Levchuk
Photo: UNESCO’s Twilio board

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