July 17 to 21: Ukrainian International Criminal Justice Week

On July 17 the world marks International Criminal Justice Day. This day was established in honor of the 1998 adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the first standing body of international justice, which has jurisdiction on the basis of international law to ensure criminal accountability for the gravest crimes. To date, 123 countries have become States Parties to the Rome Statute.
On 1 June 2010 at the Review Conference of the Rome Statute in Kampala (Uganda), the Assembly of States Parties decided to mark July 17 as International Criminal Justice Day. This year, the world will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Rome Statute.
Every year on this day, events take place to promote international criminal justice and raise awareness of the International Criminal Court’s work. Since its founding, the ICC has reviewed 31 cases on genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and has investigated situations in more than 15 countries.
The Center for Civil Liberties and its partners will host its annual Ukrainian Week of International Criminal Justice from July 17 to 21. Events will cover several topics, including crimes against the environment, cyber warfare, crime of aggression and atrocity crimes. Also, the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, ad hoc international criminal tribunals of the past, and the International Court of Justice will be clarified.
The conference will bring together lawyers, investigators, experts, civil society representatives, government officials, and representatives of international and regional organizations. Confirmed speakers will include:
Maud Sarliève, International Human Rights and Criminal Law
Captain Christian Fleming, Senior Military Instructor, U.S. Defense Institute of International Studies; Adjunct Instructor, Center for Global Affairs, New York University (NYU)
David Donat Cattin, Adjunct Professor, Center for Global Affairs, New York University (NYU) and Frederika Schweighoferova, Director, International Law and Human Rights Programme, Senior Legal Officer, International Law and Human Rights Programme, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)
Professor David Crane, Professor of Law, Syracuse University, Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (2002-05)
Gregory Towsend, Senior Lecturer, The Hague Univ. of Applied Sciences, Professor of Practice, Brandeis Univ.; Lecturer, UCLA School of Law, Member, International Criminal Court’s Advisory Committee on Legal Texts
Schedule of events for the week:
Monday, July 17
11:00-13:00 – A year and a half of the great war: how do international and national war crimes punishment mechanisms work?
Participants: Oleksandra Romantsova, Mykola Hnatovsky, Gayane Nuridzhanyan, Kostyantyn Zadoya, Oleksandr Pavlichenko, Victoria Mozgova, Anton Korynevych, Zera Kozlieva, Oleksandr Pavlichenko, Mykhailo Savva. Moderated by Yuriy Bilous.
Language: Ukrainian. Format: OFFLINE. The event will be broadcast on Facebook of the Kyiv School of Human Rights and on YouTube of the Center for Civil Liberties.
Tuesday, July 18
14:00-16:00 – Crimes Against the Environment – Maud Sarliève lecture
16:00-18:00 – Cyber Operations and International Humanitarian Law – Captain Christian P. Fleming lecture
Language: English. ONLINE. Broadcast of the event on Facebook of the Kyiv School of Human Rights and YouTube of the Center for Civil Liberties.
Wednesday, July 19
11:00-13:00 – Can reforming international humanitarian law reduce the risk of war crimes?
Participants: Kostyantyn Zadoya, Mykola Pashkovsky, Oleh Martynenko, Oksana Senatorova, Arie Mora, Kateryna Kyrychenko, Serhiy Movchan. Moderator: Mykhailo Savva.
Language: Ukrainian. Format: OFFLINE. The event will be broadcast on Facebook of the Kyiv School of Human Rights and on YouTube of the Center for Civil Liberties.
Thursday, July 20
14:00-16:00 – On the Crime of Aggression, international Tribunal and amending the Rome Statute – David Donat Cattin (Ph.D Law) and Frederika Schweighoferova
16:00-18:00 – Special Tribunal for Ukraine – Prof. David M. Crane lecture
18:00-20:00 – The Crime of Genocide under International Law – Gregory Townsend lecture
Language: English. ONLINE. Broadcast of the event on Facebook of the Kyiv School of Human Rights and YouTube of the Center for Civil Liberties.
Friday, July 21
11:00-13:00 – What prevents Ukraine from ratifying the Rome Statute?
Speakers: Oksana Senatorova, Arie Mora, Kateryna Kyrychenko, Andreas Umland, Roman Romanov. Moderator: Oleksandra Romantsova.
Language: Ukrainian. Format: OFFLINE. The event will be broadcast on the Facebook page of the Kyiv School of Human Rights and on YouTube of the Center for Civil Liberties.
July 17 unites people around the world who care about strengthening justice, protecting victims’ rights and helping prevent crimes that threaten global peace and security. This day also honors those who defend the rights of victims of crimes.
Register to learn more about the conference and to watch the live stream of events.
The implementation of these events has been made possible through the support of the Public International Law & Policy Group.