
Human Rights as a Tool for Social Change – Oleksandra Romantsova lecture for Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals

June 16, 2023 – Malmö University

Oleksandra Romantsova, the executive director of the Center for Civil Liberties, held a seminar on 16 June as part of the Summer academy organized by the Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) and the Swedish International Center for Local Democracy.

She held an open lecture with the title: “Human Rights as a Tool for Social Change” for an audience of about 60 people.

Session description:

The concept of human rights was established as a framework to prevent conflicts and warfare. It involved the formulation of documents, mechanisms, and objectives within various organizations. However, what led to the breakdown? How did a member state of organizations like the Council of Europe, OSCE, and UN Security Council, namely Russia, launch an attack on Ukraine, another member state of these very organizations? Why does the president of the so-called ‘young democracy’ in Russia deny the existence of neighboring people, their culture, and their sovereign state, with such ideas gaining significant support among the Russian population? Moreover, how did the defense of human rights in Ukraine become intertwined with the safeguarding of democratic values throughout Europe?

The lecture also explores the transformative potential of human rights in driving societal transformation. It delves into how human rights principles and frameworks can be harnessed as a catalyst for positive social change and justice. The lecture examines various case studies, historical perspectives, and contemporary examples to demonstrate the impact of human rights advocacy on challenging systemic inequalities, promoting inclusivity, and empowering marginalized communities. It also discusses the role of individuals, organizations, and governments in utilizing human rights as a tool for advancing social progress and addressing pressing global challenges. Overall, the lecture aims to inspire and inform participants about the power of human rights in effecting meaningful change at both the individual and societal levels, especially during times of war and conflict.

Background Note:

The International Center for Local Democracy (ICLD) is an organization dedicated to promoting and strengthening local democracy worldwide. It works towards empowering local governments and communities, fostering citizen participation, and enhancing sustainable development at the local level. The ICLD provides support through various programs, capacity-building initiatives, and knowledge-sharing platforms. By facilitating collaboration and partnerships between local actors, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners, the organization aims to create inclusive and accountable governance structures that address local challenges effectively. The International Center for Local Democracy plays a crucial role in advancing democratic practices and promoting the principles of good governance in different regions across the globe.

The Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) is a leadership development program organized by the Swedish Institute (SI). SAYP is designed to provide young professionals from selected countries with the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, expand their professional networks, and deepen their understanding of sustainable development and democratic governance. The program includes a series of seminars, workshops, study visits, and interactive sessions that cover various thematic areas such as human rights, social entrepreneurship, environmental sustainability, and inclusive governance. Participants engage in knowledge exchange, cultural exchange, and collaborative activities to foster mutual learning and promote positive change in their respective fields. The Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) offers a valuable platform for capacity building and networking among emerging leaders and change-makers.

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