
EmigRussia launched a project to help Russian political refugees who go to Ukraine

Increasing repressive pressure on the Russian authorities to opposition supporters and civil society in general leads to an increase in the number of citizens who leave the country for political reasons. One of the centers of a new wave of Russian emigration, along with the Baltic states, Ukraine becomes. The path to it for Russian political refugee fraught with many difficulties: the Ukrainian authorities are suspicious of everything that is connected with Russia. Yet linguistic proximity, yet the continued visa-free regime and sympathy to victory in the 2014 revolution, still make Ukraine attractive for the Russians, forced to flee from political persecution.

Formed only in Kiev civil project EmigRussia (his presentation was held in the Ukrainian crisis Media Center May 31) takes on the task as possible to help these immigrants settle in a new country. Founders of the project – Russian activists living in Kiev, and the fund “Free Russia” (a non-profit organization founded in the United States by Russian emigrants in 2014).

Project leader Yulia Arkhipova told about what and how exactly will EmigRussia, and whether the Russians difficult to legalize Ukraine.

– What are the challenges currently facing EmigRussia project?

– First of all, it is an explanation of the norms of Ukrainian legislation concerning emigration: how not to be mistaken as all do in life, if not breaking anything, how to make the legalization process in Ukraine is comfortable for everyone. This is the main objective of the project.

Also along the way we will do on our website materials on how to find accommodation, how to get medical care, if necessary, how to open a bank account and other legal provisions relating to it is different everyday aspects.

We will tell stories of people who have moved, – to those who are going to move, aware that their wait here and do not wait. Pink hope because so many, not all expectations are met. It would be desirable, of course, that these unfulfilled expectations was less to make it less frustrating.

– your target audience, your potential customers will be people who are forced to leave, fleeing from political persecution or it will be including those who have moved to change the uncomfortable social and political environment to a more comfortable?

– In fact, we’re going to be a repeater that is written on the site of the migration service of Ukraine and on the information boards in the offices of the migration service. Roughly speaking, we want to make this information available to a person who does not know the Ukrainian language, which is difficult to understand complex legal language written texts are not aware of specific terms. We want to make clear legalization. Very often, due to the fact that people do not understand the procedures established by law, they miss the registration deadlines in Ukraine or deadlines for submission of documents for obtaining a residence permit. When at last they understand how to do this, they have already come to an end as possible, and they are completely cease to understand what to do next.

Our project is likely not directed at those who have already arrived in Ukraine and those who may come.

In Russia, a growing number of cases on the 282 th article of the Criminal Code, and the citizens who make criticisms in relation to the social networking power of the recording and which may fall under the prosecution of the word – is, of course, our audience. They also include people who went to the unauthorized action (or even mandated), which can result in events similar to those that occurred May 6, 2012. Another category – activists who are now working as volunteers in the election headquarters of candidates in the elections, which will soon be held in Russia. We can only hope that in the election headquarters of independent candidates will not be under pressure. However, all good things helps those who help themselves: we would be very happy if all these people in advance acquainted with the information about Ukraine, which we have.

– In times of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko has been generally loyal adjusted in relation to the Russian political refugees and officially harbor them. Now, in the context of the ongoing armed conflict in the Donbass and the actual occupation of the eastern territories of Ukraine by Russian troops, Russian political emigrants often denied refugee status. It seems that the Ukrainian government institutions there is some unspoken policy of blocking attempts to even the opposition-minded citizens of Russia legalized in Ukraine. Is it so?

– You have to understand that there are different procedures for legalization in Ukraine. If we talk about the procedure for obtaining refugee status, in this case it is necessary to prove that there was persecution. Unfortunately, there is migration service position, the position of human rights activists and the position of people seeking refugee status – diverge.

I hope that soon our website will be an interview with the head of department of the migration service, which deals with refugees. There you will learn about what materials the migration service is enough to give a person a refugee status, and what materials are not enough. We all understand that there are times when a man during a protest suitable famous employee of the “E” Center in narrow circles, and says: “A few days ago we opened a case against you on terrorism.” Of course, not all activists go with the included tape recorders, and very difficult to understand what the real status of each such threats. And it is not clear how such cases should behave Migration Service. Migration Service of harm’s way, of course, is cautious. But I can not say that it was malice or prejudice against all Russians, because if we talk about legalization on the grounds of employment, by birth, by volunteering, I personally cases of unjustified refusal did not hear. On the contrary, I know a lot of people who have passed the legalization of such grounds have been quite successful procedure – in the event that they attended to the correct collection of documents and filing them in time.

It should be remembered that if a person is wanted, or it has entered into force decision of the Russian court, the presence of temporary or permanent residence permit does not prevent extradition. From extradition can save or Ukrainian nationality or refugee status, or soiskatelstvo for refugee status.

– Tell us about the initiators of the project. That the “Free Russia” Foundation?

– Foundation “Free Russia” was established two years ago in Washington by Russian emigres who care about the fate of Russia and that in the United States are working with the Diaspora, were engaged in the presentation and distribution of it in the English language reports , “Putin said. War “ and ” national security threat “, Engaged in a campaign in the case of Hope Savchenko in the United States. At some point, the guys from the fund, it became clear that it is necessary to start working in Ukraine, because here there are more and more Russians who are concerned about the fate and the further development of their country. If we will create some kind of community-Russian project, it would be very useful. But you should always start with something tangible and overlooked. I moved to Ukraine in October 2015, and we decided that it would be very useful to start making a resource on which all the necessary information about the move for different categories of Russian citizens have been collected.

We have long worked on various organizational issues, consulted with Ukrainian friends: because it is clear that any project in Ukraine, with the words “Russia” and “Russian” are met with at least suspicious. But we hope that all the issues that need to be set in such a situation, we will be asked. We are open to dialogue and cooperation with all those who share our values ​​and vision. Perhaps in the future we will extend our activities in the field of dialogue and communication between the Russian democratic pro-European civil society and the Ukrainian society.

Sourse, 31/05/2016

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