
It should not be ruled out that violence, terrorist attacks and killings will become the new law of life

After the analysis of the terrible events in Aleppo, the world’s terrorist attacks and demonstration killings, it appears that the main and perhaps the main argument of the modern world has become violent.

Violence was originally the shadow of a human life, it is inherent in human nature. Remember his first manifestation – the murder of Abel by Cain. Even then, it is harmoniously entered the life of the world and became co-exist with humans.

Another thing – there have been ebbs and flows of violence. Thus, a positive period of the postwar period was after the Second World War, when humanity said to myself: «newer again» (never again – trans.). Then the world was set up to ensure that never again allow a military nightmare. Then he took a major turning point, which I appreciate as a category of zero-sum and added value.

That is, the principle of zero-sum – is “an eye for an eye,” or “I won and you lost.” It’s a formula that involves violence basis. In turn, the principle of value added – is the principle of cooperation (for the participants get more on cooperation than on the single).

After the war, European civilization adopted the principles of added value and pushed all the antagonisms that have been in Europe before. It seemed forever pushed. But it so happened, as we would.

“With a light hand,” Putin’s violence is back in our lives.

The Russian president has decided to turn the chessboard and make Europe a new force redivision of the world. Unfortunately, this principle has become contagious: many nations become agitated and began to act selfishly, not as agreed earlier.

Of course, in this situation, a lot of the blame lies with the Brussels bureaucracy as cooperation formula, which they offer, often does not satisfy the people. Therefore, the “fashion” to force to resolve the problems returned. Therefore, we should not exclude that violence, acts of terror and murder will become the new law of life.

And it gives me a great disappointment, because I thought that humanity has become much wiser.

Sourse, 20/12/2017

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