
World Telecommunication Day

May 17 was proclaimed by the International Telecommunication Union as International Telecommunication and Information Society Day. The main goal is to raise awareness across countries about the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies.

We cannot imagine our lives without the Internet and social networks and it would seem that in every corner of the world the Internet is a common thing, but the situation with COVID-19 has shown that digital inequality is very high.

According to the International Telecommunication Union, only 53% of the world’s population has access to the Internet.

Quarantine restrictions challenged all of us, as we depended on quality internet, laptops and computers – it was problematic when the whole family had only one device and multiple people needed to work or study. That is why the French and Estonian constitutions stipulate that access to the Internet is a basic human right.

In Ukraine, 71% of the population has access to the Internet, of which 65% have an Internet connection at home.

Photo by Alejandro Barba on Unsplash

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