
Crimean Tatars searched at least 15 times in December

Foto from FB page of Emil Kurbedinov

The human rights defenders recorded at least 15 searches at homes of the Crimean Tatars in Crimea in December.

This is reported by Euromaidan SOS and Center for Civil Liberties.

In addition, 14 trials, involving the Crimean Tatars, were held in Crimea.

In particular, the first hearing of the case of February 26 was held on December 28. The so-called Central District Court of Simferopol found Talat Yunusov guilty of a crime under Part 2 of Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in mass riots, accompanied by violence and destruction of property). He received 42 months suspended prison sentence.

At the same time, the so-called Supreme Court of Crimea held a hearing in the case of Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Akhtem Chiygoz, Crimean Tatars Mustafa Degermendzhy, Ali Asanov (all three of them currently stay in Simferopol remand prison), Arsen Yunusov, Eskender Emirvaliev, and Eskender Kantemirov.

According to the lawyers, at least 20 court hearings are to be held till March, and about 80 witnesses and 90 victims will be interviewed.

Source: humanrights.org.ua

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