Russia’s War in Ukraine Filtration and Forced Relocation of Civilians Constitute Gross Violations of International Law

American Bar Association Center for Human Rights together with the Center for Civil Liberties and Free Russia Foundation published a report on “Russia’s War in Ukraine Filtration and Forced Relocation of Civilians Constitute Gross Violations of International Law”.
This report was prepared by staff attorneys and consultants of the ABA Center for Human Rights and reflects their views. It has not been reviewed or approved by the House of Delegates or the Board of Governors of the ABA and accordingly should not be construed as representing the position of the Association or any of its entities. Further, nothing in this report should be considered legal advice on a specific case. The Center would like to thank Kristie Bluett for writing this report, Glenna MacGregor for advising on it, Jasmine Cameron for managing the publication, ABA Center for Human Rights intern Katin Massad for research assistance, program associate Joanna Spouge for translations, and local experts Vyacheslav Likhachev from CCL and Vladimir Zhbankov from FRF, as well as FRF consultant Scott Martin for their assistance gathering information on the ground in Ukraine and elsewhere.