
Mockery Sentsov and powerless around the world

The fate of Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsov, which Russia refused to extradite last week – the key to the psychology of our power as a whole, and therefore to its strategic plan. Do not be afraid of a third world war will not, unless something does not work by accident. Russia is unlikely to set fire to the world or to conquer world domination. But it can ruin the atmosphere overhaul – and it is doing. “I do not want to understand, I want to mock!” – in the words of another great, many survived and still unsympathetic Russian writer of the 1960s.

Sentsov case, it would seem, it is mysterious. It is clear also that this man did not like the new Moscow power that came to him in the Crimea. But give it for twenty years in a strict regime – so it is significant to showboat. Of justice, common sense, and Ukraine itself Sentsov. He even defended Nikita Mikhalkov, that is very restrained stood, that in his case have a huge sacrifice, but to no avail. What we want – and then do it, and no, we did not argue. Perhaps the case Sentsova, which, incidentally, has just put in a punishment cell, just one area where Russia is really no one can prevent it. Savchenko stood for serious power and its fate engaged European leaders and US Senators. About Sentsova recently remembered less – either because he was satisfied with the liberation Savchenko, or just seen, that kindness Kremlin strictly dosed and strictly pragmatic. We’ll have about anything serious bargain – handy and Sentsov.

The Ukrainian side, however, continues to demand, insist, ask: Give Sentsov! This with great irony answer: we do not give the citizens of Russia. A Russian citizen, he automatically became at that moment, as the Russian became the Crimea. This, of course, a mockery of clean water – in fact Sentsov not apply for Russian citizenship – but mockery now required. The manner purely yard, but can not be helped, spectacular. To inspire the world consciousness of complete powerlessness, to violate any moral and prove the ineffectiveness of any protest, enough to capture several citizens of a neighboring state, to declare their own and start telling torment. And what do you do it? Practical effect, of course, zero. But as the steepness of proof is quite amiss.

The word “mockery” is in the Russian language a curious shade: it’s not just bullying, it emphasized the bad behavior with his full knowledge, abuse, not only on a specific person, but common sense and eventually – over himself. Sentsov participates today in the story, which never dreamed of the best contemporary directors. God forbid him to put on this movie, when Glum period in Russian history, replaced by another repentance.

Author: Dmitry Bykov, writer, poet, journalist

Sourse, 28/10/2016

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