
Ukrainophobia in Crimea. What puts the Kremlin

Reintegration of Crimea – is not only the return of the territory. A key element of the strategy – the people. And Russia is well aware of, so make an effort to us there was no one to return: Ukrainophobia educates through the TV, change the demographic composition of the population, which in itself is a war crime. And everything – methodically destroys the independent civil society, which should be one of the key factors of reintegration. Keep it at least in some form – our task.

For more than two years, we are monitoring the political persecution in the occupied Crimea. Arsenal of repression is quite broad: people are arrested in their homes were searched prohibit peaceful assemblies, fabricated criminal and administrative cases. Occupying power does not shrink from abductions, intimidation, beatings and torture. Russia has been consistently replacing active people of the peninsula, or causes them to shut up.

In situations where the right to influence the situation is rather difficult, as the international community is limited only by the angry resolutions of simple ways to save the remnants of the civil society on the peninsula does not exist. At the same time, there are several areas of work.

Firstly, it is necessary to overcome the informational isolation of Crimea. People on the peninsula should be able to get excellent information from the pro-Kremlin language accessible to them. In parallel, it should be given instructions on how to bypass the blocking of websites, when it comes to broadcasting on the Internet. Crimea various questions should be in the top of the political agenda, they should write about the Ukrainian press. It is necessary to develop relations with the religious, professional, cultural communities on the topics that are the subject of their interest. People who have kept the Ukrainian citizenship, should simplify administrative procedures online methods of management.

Secondly, the Crimean youth should have access on favorable terms to education on the mainland Ukraine. Educational institutions at various levels should implement distance learning programs, focused on the Crimea. It is necessary to increase the number of specialized institutions, such as moving to Kiev Tauride University, which take into account the difference in school programs of Ukraine and Russia. They should be seen as a communicator with the Crimea, because the students are friends and family on the peninsula, as well as a base for the formation of the Crimean elite. Learn to be in these prestigious institutions.

Third, Ukraine needs to learn how to protect the people who were left alone with the occupiers. It is necessary to define the scope of work for the Russian human rights activists in the Crimea, which can connect to the practical protection of persecuted people on the spot. Cases of people persecuted by the Putin regime, should always sound at the level of international organizations. Involved in this persecution should expand the list of personal sanctions. Public authorities should carry out an effective investigation and collect evidence on these facts. You also need to develop a program of support for these people on the territory of continental Ukraine.

In general, the lack of a comprehensive policy towards the occupied Crimea can complicate the reintegration of these areas in the future. Ukraine needs to be translated into the language of practical actions to Oleg Sentsova “my country, I will not leave” and send a clear signal to the people that it is fighting for them.

Author: Alexander Matviychuk, human rights activist, coordinator euromaidan-SOS social initiative and chairman of the NGO Center for Civil Liberties

Sourse, 23/06/2016

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